Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Install Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Using the Zip Distribution

Before You Begin

Backup the Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation directory, if any, as after upgrading to Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 you will not be able to restore your Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 instance.

Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 removes any previous partial installation of Directory Server Enterprise Edition.

Refer to the following table for information about the appropriate zip patch for your system.

Operating System 

Patch number 

Solaris Sparc 


Solaris x86 


Solaris x64 








Complete the worksheet given below before you start your installation.

Requisite Information 


Your Answers 

Fully qualified hostname of the system where you install  

  • Directory Server

  • Directory Proxy Server





(Optional) Common agent container port number to access from Directory Service Control Center 

Default: 11162


File system paths where you create instances for: 

  • Directory Server

  • Directory Proxy Server


  • /local/ds/

  • /local/dps/

Create instances only on local file systems, never on network–mounted file systems such as NFS. 

Each path is henceforth referred to as an instance-path.


LDAP port number 

Default: 389 when installing as root; 1389 for non-root


LDAP or SSL port number 

Default: 636 when installing as root; 1636 for non-root


Directory Manager DN 

Default: cn=Directory Manager


Directory Proxy Manager DN 

Default: cn=Proxy Manager


Directory Manager password 

Must be at least eight characters long 


Directory Proxy Manager password 

Must be at least eight characters long 


Base suffix DN 

Example: dc=example,dc=com


(UNIX systems) Server user (uid)

Example: noaccess


(UNIX systems) Server group (gid)

Example: noaccess


(Optional) Connection information for each server to access through the proxy 



By default, the user and group IDs for zip installations are those of the user performing the installation.

  1. Obtain the zip distribution for this installation.

  2. Perform any of the following based on your requirements.

  3. Change to the zip distribution directory that contains the dsee_deploy command.

  4. Install the software with the dsee_deploy(1M) command.

    $ ./dsee_deploy install -i install-path options

    For example, the following command installs the component in the /local directory, assuming you have write access to that directory.

    $ ./dsee_deploy install -i /local

    You can also use the --no-inter option to install in non-interactive mode, accepting the license without confirmation. Non-interactive mode is particularly useful for silent installation.

    This step installs a Common Agent Container, cacao, with the local Directory Service Control Center agent as well, allowing you to use DSCC to create server instances. The previous command works properly only if you have not yet installed a Common Agent Container using the default port, 11162.

    If you installed DSCC previously on the same system, a Common Agent Container using the default port is already installed. Specify a different port using the -p option.

    $ ./dsee_deploy install -i /local -p 11169

    During the installation process, a Web Archive (WAR) file is saved on your system. This file is used to configure DSCC. For more information, see Installing Directory Service Control Center Using the Zip Distribution.

  5. Restart Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances, if any.

  6. (Optional) Load sample data in your directory.

    Examples that use command-line tools depend on sample data residing under the dc=example,dc=com suffix of your directory.

    You can set up part of the data that is required by creating a dc=example,dc=com suffix. You can then populate the suffix with entries from the ldif/Example.ldif file.

    Read the Example.ldif file to find bind passwords needed in the examples.

    After you load the Example.ldif content into the directory, generate test data for examples by using the makeldif(1) command and the following template:

    define suffix=dc=example,dc=com
    branch: ou=test,[suffix]
    subordinateTemplate: person:100
    template: person
    rdnAttr: uid
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: person
    objectclass: organizationalPerson
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    givenName: <first>
    sn: <last>
    cn: {givenName} {sn}
    initials: {givenName:1}{sn:1}
    employeeNumber: <sequential>
    uid: test{employeeNumber}
    mail: {uid}@[maildomain]
    userPassword: auth{employeeNumber}{employeeNumber}
    telephoneNumber: <random>
    description: This is the description for {cn}.

    First, copy the template content to template.ldif. Next, use commands such as the following to generate the data in test.ldif and to load the content into the directory.

    $ cd install-path/dsrk6/bin/example_files/
    $ makeldif -t test.template -o test.ldif
    Processing complete.
    101 total entries written.
    $ ldapmodify -a -D uid=hmiller,dc=example,dc=com -w - -f test.ldif
    Enter bind password:

    If you read Example.ldif, you see that the password for hmiller is hillock.

Next Steps

After installing the software, see Environment Variables.