Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Migration Guide

Uninstalling Identity Synchronization for Windows

Note –

The Identity Synchronization for Windows 1.1 uninstall program removes the SUNWjss package if it is not registered for use by another application. In particular, this situation may occur on a Solaris machine if you installed a zip version of Directory Server 5.2, where the uninstall program removes the jss3.jar file from /usr/share/lib/mps/secv1.

If you encounter this situation as you migrate to Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0, the installer reports that a required file is missing, and logs the file name to the installation log. When this happens, you must reinstall the required patches and restart the installation process. For a list of required patches, see (see Software Dependency Requirements in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Release Notes.

ProcedureTo Uninstall Identity Synchronization for Windows Version 1.1

  1. Uninstall the Directory Server plug-in manually and restart each Directory Server where the plug-in was installed.

    Execute the following steps on each Directory Server where the plug-in was installed:

    1. Remove the following entries from the Directory Server:


      For example:

      ldapdelete -D “cn=directory manager” -w - -p <port \> -c cn=config, cn=pswsync,cn=plugins,cn=configcn=pswsync,cn=plugins,cn=config

    2. Restart the Directory Server.

      • On Solaris: Type < serverRoot \>/slapd-<hostname \>/restart-slapd

      • On Windows: Type < serverRoot\>\\slapd-< hostname\>\\restart-slapd.bat

    3. Remove the Plug-in binaries from the system.

      • On Solaris: Type rm < serverRoot \>/lib/psw-plugin.sorm < serverRoot \>/lib/64/

      • On Windows: Type del <serverRoot\>\\lib\\psw-plugin.dll

  2. Change directory (cd) to < ServerRoot \>\\isw-< hostname\> and then use the Identity Synchronization for Windows 1.1 (or 1.1 SP1) uninstallation program to uninstall the version 1.1, and 1.1 SP1, Connectors and Core components.

    Note –

    You must uninstall Connectors before uninstalling Core components.

    • On Solaris or SPARC: Type ./

    • On Windows: Type \\runUninstaller.bat

  3. Back up the product registry file and remove Identity Synchronization for Windows related entries from the file.

    The location of the file is as follows:

    • On Solaris: /var/sadm/install/productregistry

    • On Windows: C:\\WINNT\\System32\\productregistry

    To remove the Identity Synchronization for Windows related entries from the product registry file, follow the instructions provided in Manually Uninstalling 1.1 Core and Instances from Solaris.

  4. On Windows only. After uninstalling Core, restart your machine.

    Note –

    If the uninstall fails, you might have to manually uninstall the Identity Synchronization for Windows components. Instructions are provided in What to Do if the 1.1 Uninstallation Fails

  5. On Windows only. Verify that Identity Synchronization for Windows is not running. If necessary, you can stop the service from the command line by typing the following command.

    net stop “Sun ONE Identity Synchronization for Windows”

    If this service continues running after uninstallation, it causes a sharing violation that prevents you from deleting the instance directory.

  6. Remove the Identity Synchronization for Windows instance directory (isw-< hostname \>).