Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Trim the Retro Change Log

The entries in the retro change log can be removed automatically after a specified period of time. To configure the period of time after which entries are deleted automatically, make sure that the retro change log is enabled, then set the nsslapd-changelogmaxage configuration attribute in the cn=Retro Changelog Plugin, cn=plugins, cn=config entry.

You cannot use DSCC to perform this task. Use the command line, as described in this procedure.

  1. Check that the retro change log is enabled.

    $ dsconf get-server-prop -h host -p port retro-cl-enabled
  2. If the retro change log is not enabled, enable it.

    $ dsconf set-server-prop -h host -p port retro-cl-enabled:on
  3. Set the maximum age for changes logged.

    $ dsconf set-server-prop -h host -p port retro-cl-max-age:duration

    where duration can be either undefined (no age limit) or one of the following:

    • s for seconds

    • m for minutes

    • h for hours

    • d for days

    • w for weeks

    For example, to set the retro change log maximum age to two days, type:

    $ dsconf set-server-prop -h host 2 -p 1389 retro-cl-max-age:2d

    The retro change log will be trimmed at the next operation on the change log.