Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Administration Guide

Example Proxy Authorization wants the client application that binds as MoneyWizAcctSoftware to have the same access rights to the LDAP data as an Accounting Administrator.

The following parameters apply:

For the client application to gain access to the Accounting subtree, by using the same access permissions as the Accounting Administrator, the following must be true:

With this ACI in place, the MoneyWizAcctSoftware client application can bind to the directory and then send an LDAP command, such as ldapsearch or ldapmodify, that requires the access rights of the proxy DN.

In this example, if the client wanted to perform an ldapsearch command, the command would include the following controls:

$ ldapsearch -D "uid=MoneyWizAcctSoftware,ou=Applications,dc=example,dc=com" -w - \
 -y "uid=AcctAdministrator,ou=Administrators,dc=example,dc=com" ...

Note that the client binds as itself, but is granted the privileges of the proxy entry. The client does not need the password of the proxy entry.