Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference

How Directory Server Performs Base Searches

    Base searches specify a base DN and are the simplest type of searches for Directory Server to manage. Directory Server processes base searches in the following stages.

  1. Directory Server attempts to retrieve the entry from the entry cache.

    If the entry is found in the entry cache, Directory Server checks whether the candidate entry matches the filter provided for the search.

    If the entry matches the filter provided for the search, Directory Server returns the formatted, cached entry to the client application.

  2. Directory Server attempts to retrieve the entry from the database cache.

    If the entry is found in the database cache, Directory Server copies the entry to the entry cache for the suffix. Directory Server proceeds as if the entry had been found in the entry cache.

  3. Directory Server attempts to retrieve the entry from the database itself.

    If the entry is found in the database, Directory Server copies the entry to the database cache . Directory Server proceeds as if the entry had been found in the database cache.