Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference

Data Views to Route Requests When Different Parts of a Subtree Are Stored in Different Data Sources

This section describes how Directory Proxy Server provides a single point of access to different parts of a subtree stored in multiple data sources. To route requests for different parts of a subtree, Directory Proxy Server uses a distribution algorithm. In the example in this section, Directory Proxy Server uses the numeric distribution algorithm. For more information about distribution algorithms, see Distributing Entries In a Subtree to Different Data Views.

The example in this section contains two data views with the same base DN. A numeric distribution algorithm is used to separate entries into different data views. A data source pool is configured for each set of data-equivalent data sources. Figure 17–6 shows the example deployment.

Figure 17–6 Example Deployment That Routes Requests When Different Parts of a Subtree Are Stored in Different Data Sources

Figure shows an example deployment that provides a single
point of access to different parts of subtree stored in multiple data sources.

Directory Proxy Server exposes a request to the data view which satisfies the following conditions:

When a request is exposed to a data view, the request is forwarded to the data source pool specified by the data view.

If a request that does not match the conditions of any data view, Directory Proxy Server returns an error.

For information about how to configure a data view to provide a single point of access to different parts of subtree on multiple data sources, see Data Views That Provide a Single Point of Access When Different Parts of a Subtree Are Stored in Different Data Sources in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Administration Guide.