Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference

Target Keywords

For a description of target keywords, see the following sections:

The following table lists the target keywords and their associated expressions.

Table 2–1 Target Keywords and Their Expressions


Type of target 



A directory entry or its subtree 



The attributes of an entry 



A set of entries or attributes that match an LDAP filter 



An attribute value or combination of values that match an LDAP filter 



The scope of the target 

base, onelevel, subtree

target Keyword

The target keyword specifies that an ACI is defined for a directory entry. The target keyword uses the following syntax:

(target = "distinguished_name")


(target != "distinguished_name")

The distinguished name must be in the subtree rooted at the entry where the ACI is defined. For example, the following target may be used in an ACI on ou=People,dc=example,dc=com:

(target = "ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")

The DN of the entry must be a distinguished name in string representation (RFC 4514). Therefore, characters that are syntactically significant for a DN, such as commas, must be escaped with a single backslash (\).

Wild cards, show as asterisk characters can be used in the expression for the target keyword. The asterisk matches an attribute value, a substring of a value, or a DN component. For example, all of the following expressions match uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.

The following further examples show permitted uses of wild cards.

Other usage of wild cards to such as target="ldap:///uid=bjensen,o*,dc=com" might be accepted, but are deprecated.

targetattr Keyword

The targetattr keyword specifies that an ACI is defined for one or more attributes in the targeted entries. The targetattr keyword uses the following syntax:

(targetattr = "attribute")


(targetattr != "attribute")

If no targetattr keyword is present, no attributes are targeted. To target all attributes, the targetattr keyword must be targetattr="*".

Targeted attributes do not need to exist on the target entry or its subtree, but the ACI applies whenever they do.

Targeted attributes do not need to be defined in the schema. The absence of schema checking makes it possible to implement an access control policy before importing data and its schema.

The targetattr keyword can be used for multiple attributes, by using this syntax:

(targetattr = "attribute1 || attribute2|| ... attributeN")

Note –

If you configure attribute aliases, you must specify both the attribute name and the alias in the targetattr keyword for the ACI to take them into account.

Targeted attributes include all subtypes of the named attribute. For example, (targetattr = "locality") also targets locality;lang-fr.

Wild cards can be used in the expression for the targetattr keyword, but the use of wild cards would serve no purpose and may reduce performance.

targetfilter Keyword

The targetfilter keyword is used in ACIs to target entries that match an LDAP filter. The ACI applies to all entries that match the LDAP filter and that are in the scope of the ACI. The targetfilter keyword uses the following syntax:

(targetfilter = "(standard LDAP search filter)")

Example 2–1 Using the targetfilter Keyword to Target Specific Entries

The following example is for employees with a status of salaried or contractor, and an attribute for the number of hours worked as a percentage of a full-time position. The filter targets entries for contractors or part-time employees:

(targetfilter = "(|(status=contractor)(fulltime<=79))")

The Netscape extended filter syntax is not supported in ACIs. For example, the following target filter is not valid:

(targetfilter = "(locality:fr:=<= Québec)")

The filter syntax that describes matching rules for internationalized values is supported. For example, the following target filter is valid:

(targetfilter = "(locality:2.16.840.1.113730.ébec)")

The targetfilter keyword selects whole entries as targets of the ACI. The targetfilter keyword and the targetattr keyword can be used together to create ACIs that apply to a subset of attributes in the targeted entries.

targetattrfilters Keyword

The targetattrfilters keyword is used in ACIs to target specific attribute values by using LDAP filters. By using the targetattrfilters keyword, you can grant or deny permissions on an attribute if that attribute's value meets the criteria defined in the ACI. An ACI that grants or denies access based on an attribute's value, is called a value-based ACI. The targetattrfilters keyword uses this syntax:

(targettrfilters="Op=attr1:F1 [(&& attr2:F2)*][;Op=attr:F [(&& attr:F)*]")

The targetattrfilters keyword can have the following values:


An add or delete operation


To create an attribute


To delete an attribute


The target attributes


Filters that apply to the associated attribute

The following conditions must be met when filters apply to entries, and those entries are created, deleted or modified:

Example 2–2 Using the targetattrfilters Keyword to Allow Users to Add Roles to Their Own Entries

The following ACI allows users to add any role to their own entry, except the superAdmin role. It also allows users to add a telephone number with a 123 prefix.

 && telephoneNumber:(telephoneNumber=123*)")

Example 2–3 Using the targetattrfilters Keyword to Allow Group Members to Modify Specific Attributes

The following example allows members of the Engineering Admins group to modify the departmentNumber and manager attributes of all entries in the Engineering business category. This example filters entries with the businessCategory attributes set to Engineering:

dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organization
aci: (targetattr="departmentNumber || manager")
  (version 3.0; acl "eng-admins-write"; allow (write)
  groupdn ="ldap:///cn=Engineering Admins, dc=example,dc=com";)

targetScope Keyword

The targetScope keyword is used in ACIs to specify the scope of the ACI. The targetScope keyword uses this syntax:


The targetScope keyword can have one of these values:


The ACI applies to the target resource only


The ACI applies to the target resource and its first-generation children


The ACI applies to the target resource and its subtree

If the targetScope keyword is not specified, the default value is subtree.