Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Troubleshooting Guide

Procedure To Do a Clean Reinstall of Java ES on Linux

  1. Stop all of the Java ES processes.

  2. Remove everything under the install-path that you specified during the configuration phase.

    To help you locate this path, run the following:

    # grep location /var/tmp/productregistery
  3. Remove the /var/tmp/productregistry file and the /var/opt/sun/install/productregistry file.

    These product registry files contain a description of what packages have been installed for Java ES and where they were installed.

  4. Uninstall the Directory Server Enterprise Edition RPM packages.

    Locate all of the installed Directory Server Enterprise Edition RPM packages as follows:

    # rpm -qa | grep 'sun-ldap-(shared|directory|proxy|console)'

    Remove all of the RPM packages you locate as follows:

    # rpm -e list-of-rpm-packages
  5. Install the package again using the Java ES installer