Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Troubleshooting Guide

Collecting Configuration Information on Directory Proxy Server 6.1

Collect the Directory Proxy Server 6.1 configuration information. This information is available in the instance-dir/logs/error file. For example, the error log displays the configuration information as follows:

user@server1 b08]$ more dps.3333/logs/errors
[21/May/2007:18:01:27 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Global log level INFO (from config)
[21/May/2007:18:01:27 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Logging Service configured
[21/May/2007:18:01:27 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java Version: 1.5.0_09 (Java Home: \
[21/May/2007:18:01:27 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java Heap Space: Total Memory (-Xms) \
= 246MB, Max Memory (-Xmx) = 246MB
[21/May/2007:18:01:27 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Operating System: \
Linux/i386 2.6.17-1.2139_FC5smp