Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 User's Guide

SAML Samples

The SAML samples are located in the /FederationManager-base/SUNWam/fm/samples/saml directory. They include:

All samples are compiled and deployed during installation.

Note –

For general information about the SAML implementation (including definitions of the profile types and assertions), see Chapter 9, SAML Administration, in Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Federation and SAML Administration Guide.

SAML Client Sample

This sample illustrates how the SAML client API in the com.sun.identity.saml package can be used. Federation Manager is deployed on two machines. The AssertionArtifactSample servlet on machine #1 generates an assertion artifact which is received by the SAMLClientSample servlet on machine #2. This sample is located in the /FederationManager-base/SUNWam/fm/samples/saml/client directory.

SAML Query Sample

This sample illustrates how to use Federation Manager to form a query, to write an AttributeMapper, and to send and process a SOAP message using the SAML API. This sample is located in the /FederationManager-base/SUNWam/fm/samples/saml/query directory.

Single Sign On Using SAML

This sample illustrates how to achieve single sign on for a user between two instances of Federation Manager using either the Web Browser Artifact Profile or the Web Browser POST Profile. This sample is located in the /FederationManager-base/SUNWam/fm/samples/saml/sso directory.


This sample illustrates how to use the com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig API in a SAML interaction. This sample is located in the /FederationManager-base/SUNWam/fm/samples/saml/xmlsig directory.