Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 User's Guide

ProcedureTrusted Partners: Selecting Partner Type and Profile

This attribute defines any trusted partner (remote to the server on which Federation Manager is installed) that will be communicating with Federation Manager.

Note –

The trusted partner site must have a prearranged trust relationship with one or more of the sites configured in the Site Identifiers property.

The first step in configuring a trusted partner is to determine the partner's role in the trust relationship. A trusted partner can be a source site (one that generates a single sign-on assertion) or a destination site (one that consumes a single sign-on assertion). For example, if the partner is the source site, this attribute is configured based on how it will send assertions. If the partner is the destination site, this attribute is configured based on the profile in which it will be receiving assertions. Following is the first part of the procedure for configuring a trusted partner. The starting point is the SAML configuration screen of the Federation module.

Note –

To edit or duplicate the attributes of a trusted partner profile, click the appropriate button in the Actions column next to the configured trusted partner name.

  1. In the Federation Manager Console, click the SAML tab.

  2. Under Trusted Partners, click New.

    The Trusted Partner profile page is displayed.

    Note –

    Click Edit to change the role of the partner site if you are modifying an existing trusted partner.

  3. Select the role (Destination or Source) of the partner site you are configuring by checking the appropriate profile(s) used to communicate with it.

    You may choose Web Browser Artifact Profile or Web Browser Post Profile for either Destination, Source or both, or SOAP Query for Destination only. The choices made dictate which of the attributes in the following steps need to be configured.

  4. Click Next.

  5. To complete the configuration, see Trusted Partners: Configuring Trusted Partner Attributes.