Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 User's Guide
 data stores
  configuring Federation Manager ( Index Term Link )
  fmff2ds ( Index Term Link )
  LDAPv3 directories ( Index Term Link )
  Microsoft Active Directory ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Java System Directory Server ( Index Term Link )
  supported ( Index Term Link )
  user data ( Index Term Link )
  and BEA WebLogic Server ( Index Term Link )
  and Sun Java System Application Server ( Index Term Link )
  and Sun Java System Web Server ( Index Term Link )
  and WebSphere Application Server ( Index Term Link )
  WAR ( Index Term Link )
 directories, default installation ( Index Term Link )
 Directory Server documentation ( Index Term Link )
 discovery service ( Index Term Link )
  authenticate response message ( Index Term Link )
  authorizer plugin class ( Index Term Link )
  enable policy eval discoveryLookup ( Index Term Link )
  enable policy eval discoveryUpdate ( Index Term Link )
  encrypt nameIdentifier in session context ( Index Term Link )
  entry handler plugin class ( Index Term Link )
  generate session context statement ( Index Term Link )
  provider ID ( Index Term Link )
  resource offerings for bootstrapping ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  resourceID mapper plugin class ( Index Term Link )
  service description ( Index Term Link )
  supported authentication mechanisms ( Index Term Link )
  supported directives ( Index Term Link )
  use implied resource ( Index Term Link )
  Federation Manager ( Index Term Link )
  related ( Index Term Link )
 dsameuser ( Index Term Link )