Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 User's Guide

Building and Loading LDIF Configuration Data Using fmff2ds

fmff2ds is a command-line utility used to convert service configuration data from a flat file to an LDIF file. This utility does not work with user data. fmff2ds performs the following functions:

The syntax for fmff2ds is:

fmff2ds [-a]  -h  directory-server-host -p directory-server-port -r root-suffix -f flat-file 
-u userDN [-w userPW] -j Java-directory
fmff2ds -V
fmff2ds -?


-a, --activedirectory

By default, fmff2ds assumes Sun Java System Directory Server is the underlying directory server. By specifying -a, fmff2ds will load data into Microsoft Active Directory.

-r, --rootsuffix

Defines the root suffix of the underlying directory server. 

-f, --flatfile

Defines the location of the flat file directory. By default, /var/opt/SUNWam/fm/URI.

-u, --username

Defines the distinguished name of the user connecting to the directory server. 

-w, --password

Defines the password of the user connecting to the directory server. If this option is not specified, the user will be prompted to type the bind password for the specified userDN. When the option is not given and the DSHOME property is not set to the Sun Directory Server installation root directory, user will be prompted to enter bind password for three times during the process. 


-j, --java

Java-directory defines the directory where the Java Development Kit (JDK) is located. The JDK must be version 1.4.2 or higher.


Displays version information. 


Displays help information.