Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 User's Guide

Deploying Federation Manager in Sun Java System Web Server

Sun Java System Web Server has the wdeploy command line utility to deploy a WAR file. The syntax is:

wdeploy deploy -u /deployment-URI -i instance-name -v vs-id -d deployment-directory WAR-file-location 



Defines the URI for the application. This value must be the same as that defined for the SERVER_DEPLOY_URI property in The Silent Installation File.

Note –

Note the inclusion of the leading slash.


Defines the instance of Web Server to which you are deploying the web application. 


Defines the virtual server ID of the instance of Web Server to which you are deploying the web application. 


Defines the directory to which the WAR will be deployed. 


Defines the full path to the WAR file being deployed. 

When you execute wdeploy, a web application with the defined URI and directory is added to the server.xml file. The WAR file is also extracted from its location and deployed in the deployment directory.

Note –

More information on the wdeploy utility can be found in the Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Programmer’s Guide to Web Applications.

This section contains the following procedures:

ProcedureTo Deploy an Instance of Federation Manager in Web Server

  1. Type the following command replacing the variables with information regarding your deployment and hit Enter.

    # WebServer-base/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/httpadmin/bin/wdeploy deploy 
    -u /deployment-URI -i instance-name -v vs-id 
    -d WebServer-base/instance-name/deployment-URI war-file-location

    For example:

    # /WebServer-base/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/httpadmin/bin/wdeploy deploy -
    u /federation -i -v 
    -d /opt/SUNWwbsvr/ 
  2. Restart the Web Server.

ProcedureTo View the Federation Manager Java API Specifications

  1. To view the Federation Manager Java API Specifications when it is deployed in Web Server, you must first create a symbolic link by typing:

    # ln -s /FederationManager-base/SUNWam/fm/docs /Web Server-doc-root/javadocs



    Defines the Federation Manager installation directory. 

    Web Server-doc-root

    Defines the Web Server directory in which you store publicly available documentation files. 

  2. Once the symbolic link is defined, you can access the Java API Reference via a web browser by typing a URL in the format protocol://host:port/javadocs. For example,

ProcedureTo Delete an Instance of Federation Manager from Web Server

  1. Type the following command replacing the variables with information regarding your deployment:

    # /WebServer-base/bin/https/httpadmin/bin/wdeploy delete -u /deployment-URI 
    -i instance-name -v vs-id -n hard



    Defines the Web Server installation directory. 


    Defines the Federation Manager URI (with leading slash). 


    Defines the instance of Web Server to which the web application is deployed. 


    Defines the virtual server ID of the instance of Web Server to which you are deploying the web application. 

    For example:

    # /WebServer-base/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/httpadmin/bin/wdeploy delete -u /federation 
    -i -v -n hard
  2. Hit Enter.