Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 User's Guide


The Membership Authentication module is implemented for personalized sites. When membership authentication is enabled, a user can self-register. This means the user can create an account, personalize it, and access it as a registered user without the help of an administrator. The attributes are:

Minimum Password Length

Specifies the minimum number of characters required for a password set during self-registration. The default value is 8.

Note –

If this value is changed, it should also be changed in the PasswdMinChars property in the file. is located in the /FederationManager-base/locale/ directory.

Default User Roles

Specifies the roles assigned to new users whose profiles are created through self-registration. There is no default value. The administrator must specify the DNs of the roles that will be assigned to the new user.

Note –

The role specified must be under the organization for which authentication is being configured. Only the roles that can be assigned to the user will be added during self-registration. All other DNs will be ignored. Filtered roles are not accepted.

User Status After Registration

Specifies whether services are immediately made available to a user who has self-registered. The default value is Active and services are available to the new user. By selecting Inactive, the administrator chooses to make no services available to a new user.

Primary LDAP Server

Specifies the host name and port number of the primary LDAP server specified during Federation Manager installation. This is the first server contacted for authentication. The format is hostname:port. If there is no port number, assume 389. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name.

If you have Federation Manager deployed with multiple domains, you can specify the communication link between specific instances of Federation Manager and your LDAP server in the following format:

local-servername|server:port local-servername2|server2:port2 ...

For example, if you have two Federation Manager instances deployed in different locations (L1-machine1-IS and L2- machine2-IS) communicating with different instances of your LDAP server (L1-machine1-DS and L2-machine2-DS), it would look like the following:||

Secondary LDAP Server

Specifies the host name and port number of a secondary LDAP server available to the Federation Manager platform. If the primary LDAP server does not respond to a request for authentication, this server would then be contacted. If the primary server is up, Federation Manager will switch back to the primary server. The format is also hostname:port. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name.

Caution – Caution –

When authenticating users from an LDAP server that is remote from the Federation Manager enterprise, it is important that both the Primary and Secondary LDAP Server Ports have values. The value for one server location can be used for both fields.

DN to Start User Search

Specifies the DN of the node where the search for a user would start. (For performance reasons, this DN should be as specific as possible.) The default value is the root of the directory tree. Any valid DN will be recognized. If OBJECT is selected in the Search Scope attribute, the DN should specify one level above the level in which the profile exists. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. The format is servername|search dn.

For multiple entries:

servername1|search dn servername2|search dn servername3|search dn...

If multiple users are found for the same search, authentication will fail.

DN for Root User Bind

Specifies the DN of the user that will be used to bind to the Directory Server specified in the Primary LDAP Server and Port field as administrator. The authentication service needs to bind as this DN in order to search for a matching user DN based on the user login ID. The default is amldapuser. Any valid DN will be recognized.

Password for Root User Bind

Carries the password for the administrator profile specified in the DN for Root User Bind field. There is no default value. Only the administrator's valid LDAP password will be recognized.

Password for Root User Bind (confirm)

Confirmation of the password.

Attribute Used to Retrieve User Profile

Specifies the attribute used for the naming convention of user entries. By default, Federation Manager assumes that user entries are identified by the uid attribute. If your Directory Server uses a different attribute (such as givenname) specify the attribute name in this field.

Attributes Used to Search for a User to be Authenticated

Lists the attributes to be used to form the search filter for a user that is to be authenticated, and allows the user to authenticate with more than one attribute in the user's entry. For example, if this field is set to uid, employeenumber, and mail, the user could authenticate with any of these names.

User Search Filter

Specifies an attribute to be used to find the user under the DN to Start User Search field. It works with the User Naming Attribute. There is no default value. Any valid user entry attribute will be recognized.

Search Scope

Indicates the number of levels in the Directory Server that will be searched for a matching user profile. The search begins from the node specified in the attribute "DN to Start User Search" attribute. The default value is SUBTREE. One of the following choices can be selected from the list:


Searches only the specified node.


Searches at the level of the specified node and one level down.


Search all entries at and below the specified node.

Enable SSL to Access LDAP Server

Enables SSL access to the Directory Server specified in the Primary and Secondary LDAP Server and Port field. By default, the box is not checked and the SSL protocol will not be used to access the Directory Server.

If the LDAP Server is running with SSL enabled (LDAPS), you must make sure that Federation Manager is configured with proper SSL trusted certificates so that it can connect to Directory Server over LDAPS protocol

Return User DN to Authenticate

When the Federation Manager directory is the same as the directory configured for LDAP, this option may be enabled. If enabled, this option allows the LDAP authentication module to return the DN instead of the User ID, and no search is necessary. Normally, an authentication module returns only the User ID, and the authentication service searches for the user in the local Federation Manager LDAP. If an external LDAP directory is used, this option is typically not enabled.

Authentication Level

The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. The value indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSO token for the session. When the SSO token is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access. If the authentication level stored in an SSO token does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level. The default value is 0.

Note –

If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.