Sun Java System SAML v2 Plug-in for Federation Services User's Guide

Certificate Revocation List Checking

The certificate revocation list (CRL) is a list of revoked certificates that contains the reason(s) for the certificate's revocation, the date of it's issuance, and the entity that issued it. When a potential user attempts to access the Access Manager or Federation Manager server, first access is allowed or denied based on the CRL entry for the root certificate included with the request. When the SAML v2 Service receives the incoming XML request, it parses the issuer Distinguished Name (DN) from the root certificate and retrieves the value defined by the attribute in If the attribute value is CN and the issuer DN is, for example, CN=" Client Certification Authority", OU=..., the SAML v2 Service uses Client Certification Authority to retrieve the CRL from the LDAP directory which acts as the CRL repository.

Note –

The LDAP directory which acts as the CRL repository is also configured in

With this action, one of the following will occur:

  1. If the LDAP directory returns a CRL that is not valid, the SAML v2 Service retrieves the value of the IssuingDistributionPointExtension attribute (usually an HTTP or LDAP URI) from the CRL and uses it to get new CRL from the certificate authority. If the certificate authority returns a valid CRL, it is saved to the LDAP directory and to memory and used for certificate validation.

  2. If the LDAP directory returns no CRL but the certificate that is being validated has a defined CRL Distribution Point Extension, the SAML v2 Service retrieves it's value (usually an HTTP or LDAP URI) and uses the value to get a new CRL from the certificate authority. If the certificate authority returns a valid CRL, it is saved to the LDAP directory and to memory and used for certificate validation.

  3. If the certificate authority returns a valid CRL, it is saved to the LDAP directory and to memory and used for certificate validation.

Note –

Currently, Certificate Revocation List Checking works only with an instance of Sun Java System Directory Server.

After the CRL is loaded into memory and the root certificate validation is successful, the single sign-on process continues with validation of the signed XML message. The following are procedures to set up the SAML v2 Service for CRL checking.

Caution – Caution –

CRL checking currently only works in the case of XML-based signature validation; for example, service provider side POST Artifact profile, or SOAP based logout. CRL checking does not work in the case of URL string based signature validation, XML signing, XML encryption or decryption.

ProcedureTo Set Up for Certificate Revocation List Checking

Before You Begin

A local instance of Directory Server must be designated as the CRL repository. It can be the same directory in which the Access Manager or Federation Manager schema is stored or it can be standalone. The Java Development Kit (JDK) must be version 1.5 or higher.

Note –

If enabling this feature on an instance of Access Manager, it must be Access Manager version 7.0sp5 and above.

  1. Create one entry in Directory Server for each certificate authority.

    For example, if the certificate authority's subjectDN is CN=" Client Certification Authority",OU=" incorp. by ref. (limits lib.)", and the base DN for Directory Server is dc=sun,dc=com, create an entry with the DN cn=" Client Certification Authority",ou=people,dc=sun,dc=com.

    Note –

    If the certificate authority's subjectDN does not contain uid or cn attributes, do the following:

    1. Create a new object class.

      For example, sun-am-managed-ca-container.

    2. Populate the new object class with the following attributes:

      • objectclass

      • ou

      • authorityRevocationList

      • caCertificate

      • certificateRevocationList

      • crossCertificatePair

    3. Add the following entry (modified per your deployment) to Directory Server.

      dn: ou=1CA-AC1,dc=sun,dc=com
      objectClass: top
      objectClass: organizationalunit
      objectClass: iplanet-am-managed-ca-container
      ou: 1CA-AC1

    You will publish the appropriate CRL to the entry created in the last step.

  2. Publish the appropriate CRL to the corresponding LDAP entry.

    This part can be done automatically by Access Manager or Federation Manager or manually. If the certificate being validated has a CRL Distribution Point Extension value, the publishing of the CRL is done automatically. If the certificate being validated has an IssuingDistributionPointExtension value, the initial publishing of the CRL must be done manually but future updates are done in runtime. If the certificate being validated has neither of these values, updates must be done manually at all time. See To Manually Populate a Directory Server with a Certificate Revocation List for information on manual population.

  3. Configure the following properties in to point to the instance of Directory Server designated as the CRL repository.

    • defines the LDAP directory's host name.

    • defines the LDAP directory's port number.

    • takes a vale of TRUE or FALSE.

    • defines the DN of the user with permission to bind to the LDAP directory.

    • defines the encrypted password for the bind user. Use ampassword for the encryption. SeeChapter 2, The ampassword Command Line Tool, in Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Reference for more information.

    • defines the base DN from where the search will begin.

    • defines the component of the root certificate's subjectDN (issuer) that will be used to retrieve the CRL from LDAP directory. The value is a single string as in cn.

      Note –

      All root certificate authorities must use the same search attribute. defines the password for the bind user. This actually need to be the encrypted password of the bind user, customer need to use ampassword to encrypt the password before putting values here.

  4. Import all the certificate authority certificates into the cacerts keystore under the java.home/jre/lib/secure directory using the keytool utility.

    Certificates must be imported as trustedcacert. More information on keytool can be found at

ProcedureTo Manually Populate a Directory Server with a Certificate Revocation List

  1. Use your browser to get the initial CRL from the certificate authority manually.

  2. Save the initial CRL file in the binary DER format to your local machine.

  3. Convert the DER file to the text-based PEM format and finally LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) using the following command:

    ldif -b certificaterevocationlist;binary < famouseCA.crl > crl.ldif

    Note –

    The ldif command is available in your Directory Server installation.

    The crl.ldif file contains text similar to the following:

    certificaterevocationlist;binary:: MIH7MIGmMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMGExCzAJBgNVBA
  4. Do one of the following to define the LDAP entry in which the CRL will be stored.

    • For an existing entry, specify the DN in the LDIF file.

      # entry-id: famouseCA dn: CN=famouseCA,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com 
      certificaterevocationlist;binary:: MIH7MIGmMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMGExCzAJBgNVBA
    • For a new entry, specify the DN and object classes in the LDIF file.

      # entry-id: tester200
      dn: CN=famouseCA,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com
      sn: famouseCA
      cn: famouseCA
      employeeNumber: 1001
      telephoneNumber: 555-555-5555
      postalAddress: 555 Test Drive
      iplanet-am-modifiable-by: cn=Top-level Admin Role,dc=iplanet,dc=com
      givenName: Test
      inetUserStatus: Active
      uid: tester200
      objectClass: iplanet-am-user-service
      objectClass: inetAdmin
      objectClass: iPlanetPreferences
      objectClass: inetOrgPerson
      objectClass: organizationalPerson
      objectClass: person
      objectClass: iplanet-am-managed-person
      objectClass: inetuser
      objectClass: top
      userPassword: {SSHA}E3TJ4DT7IoOLETVny1ktxUGWNTpBYq8tj3C1Sg==
      creatorsName: cn=puser,ou=dsame users,dc=iplanet,dc=com
      modifiersName: cn=puser,ou=dsame users,dc=iplanet,dc=com
      createTimestamp: 20031125043253Z
      modifyTimestamp: 20031125043253Z
      certificaterevocationlist;binary:: MIH7MIGmMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMGExCzAJBgNVBA
  5. Run one of the following ldapmodify commands based on whether you are adding the LDIF file to an existing entry or creating a new entry.

    • To add a CRL to an existing LDAP entry (using an LDIF file with a specified DN), use the following command:

      ldapmodify -r -h Directory Server_host -p Directory Server_port 
      -f ldif-file -D cn=Directory Manager -w password
    • To add a CRL to a new LDAP entry (using an LDIF file with a specified DN and object classes), use the following command:

      ldapmodify -a -h Directory Server_host -p Directory Server_port 
      -f ldif-file -D cn=Directory Manager -w password