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Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Administrator's Guide

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



!= (not equal to)  1

$, in wildcards  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


%vsid%, adding to log file format string  1

*, in wildcards  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


file extension for files storing access control settings  1


converting from .nsconfig files  1

dynamic configuration files  1

enabling via magnus.conf  1

enabling via user interface  1

example of  1

security considerations  1

supported directives  1

.nsconfig files

converting to .htaccess files  1

= (equals)  1

= greater than or equal to  1

?, in wildcards  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

^, in wildcards  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

~, in wildcards  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


200 - 500 status codes  1


about this guide

contents  1

accelerators, hardware

certificates and keys stored in secmod.db  1

Accept  1

Accept Language Header

using  1

acceptor threads

virtual servers  1


delete  1

execute  1

info  1

list  1

read  1

to web site, restricting (global and single-instance)  1

write  1

access control

"administrators" group  1

databases and  1

date restrictions  1

distributed administration and  1

files  1

for WebDAV  1

hostnames  1

hostnames and IP addresses  1

introduction to  1

IP addresses  1

LDAP directories and  1

methods (Basic, SSL)  1

my_stuff directory  1

overview  1

programs  1

public information directories, using configuration styles to control  1

redirection  1

response when denied  1

restricting access on webDAV-enabled resources  1

Securing access control with distributed administration  1

time restrictions  1

turning off  1

users and groups  1, 2

using virtual servers  1

writing custom expressions  1

access control entries (ACEs)  1

access control files (ACL)

location stored  1

access control list (ACL)  1

access log  1

location  1

access log files  1, 2

configuring  1

viewing  1

access log preferences

setting  1

access log rotation  1

access logs

virtual servers, configuring  1

access, restricting

Web Server, procedure  1

access, server

restricting  1, 2

access-control entries (ACEs)  1, 2

access-control list (ACL)  1, 2

account, user

changing  1


actions, setting  1

attribute expressions  1

authentication statements  1

authorization statements  1

changing access denied message  1

deactivating  1

default file  1

distributed administration and  1

editing settings for virtual servers  1

files, syntax  1

obj.conf, referencing  1

restricting access based on security  1

restricting access based on time of day  1

restricting access for virtual servers  1

restricting access to a directory  1

restricting access to a file type  1

restricting access to a URI  1

restricting access to entire server  1

server digest authentication procedure  1

specifying users and groups  1

virtual servers  1

virtual servers, configuring settings  1

ACL user cache

server stores user and group authentication results  1

ACLCacheLifetime  1


-aclid  1

aclname  1

ACLUserCacheSize  1

additional document directories  1


log file location  1

administration group

creating  1

Administration interface

more information about  1

Administration Server

accessing  1

activating and deactivating the cron daemon  1

enabling SSL  1

how to remove the old full name or uid values when renaming a user’s entry  1

instance of Web Server  1

introduction  1

main top-level page tabs  1

removing a server  1

security and  1

starting services applet from the Control Panel  1

starting the SNMP master agent  1

stopping  1

UI overview  1

URL navigation to  1

administration, distributed

enabling  1

administrator’s userid (superuser)  1


distributed administration  1

admpw  1

superuser’s username and password file  1




SNMP issues  1

allow  1

analyzer, log

running (archive server logs prior to use)  1

and  1

ansi_x3.4-1968  1

ansi_x3.4-1986  1

API reference

JSP  1

servlets  1

application environment entries  1


client-side  1

server-side  1

applications, server-side

how they are installed on Web Server  1

types that run on Web Server  1


log files  1, 2

ascii  1


Distinguished Name (DN)  1

attribute expressions

ACL, attribute  1

operators  1

attribute, search options

list of  1


x509v3 certificates  1


When to use the J2EE/Servlet Model  1


client certificate  1

hostnames  1

SSL  1

users and groups  1

Authentication Database  1

authentication methods

types  1

using htaccess-register to create your own  1

authentication statements, ACL syntax  1

authentication, basic

most effective when combined with SSL encryption, Host-IP authentication, or both  1

authentication, client

steps to require  1

authentication, client, server

definition  1

authentication, digest  1

authentication, Host-IP  1

authentication, User-Group  1, 2

AuthGroupFile  1, 2

AuthName  1

Authorization  1

Defining access control by roles  1

Group mapping  1

Mapping Roles to Restricted Areas  1

Principal mapping  1

Role-based Authorization  1

authorization statements, ACL  1

AuthTrans qos-handler  1

AuthType  1

AuthUserFile  1

automatic restart utility (NT)  1


Basic authentication method  1

bong-file  1


c  1


approval process (one day to two months)  1

definition (Certificate Authority)  1

trusting  1

types  1

cache control directives

setting  1

cache directories  1

cache, defined  1

caching files  1

Certificate Authority

definition  1

obtaining list of available  1

VeriSign  1

certificate chain

definition  1

certificate mapping file

location of certmap.conf  1

syntax for certmap.conf  1

certificate request, information needed  1

certificate revocation lists (CRLs)

installing and managing  1

certificate, client

authentication  1


certmap.conf and  1

client mapping

examples  1

client, mapping to LDAP  1

exporting with pk12util  1

importing with pk12util  1

introduction  1

managing  1

migrating from iPlanet Web Server 4.1  1

migrating from iPlanet Web Server 6.0  1

other server, installing  1

requesting other server certificates  1

root, removing  1

root, restoring  1

selecting name for a listen socket  1

single, trust database per web server instance  1

trusting  1

types  1

using the built-in root certificate module  1

virtual servers  1

x509v3, attributes  1

certmap.conf  1, 2

default properties  1

LDAP searches  1

sample mappings  1

using  1

certSubjectDN  1

CGI  1

defined (Common Gateway Interface)  1

downloading executable files  1

file extensions  1

file type, specifying shell for Windows NT  1

file types  1

installing  1

installing programs  1

installing shell programs for Windows NT  1

overview  1

programs, how to install on server  1

programs, how to store on server  1

removing directories  1

shell  1

specifying a directory  1

specifying a Windows NT directory  1

specifying as a file type  1

specifying directories  1

specifying shell directory, Windows NT  1

specifying Windows NT file type  1

using virtual servers  1

virtual servers, configuring unique attributes  1

Windows  1

Windows NT programs, overview  1


processes to aid in CGI execution  1

character set

changing  1

iso_8859-1  1

us-ascii  1

check-acl  1

chroot  1

specifying directory for virtual server  1

specifying directory for virtual server class  1


definition  1

setting options  1

TLS and SSL3 for Netscape Navigator 6.0  1

CKLs (compromised key lists)

installing and managing  1

Class Manager

accessing  1

introduction  1

list of additional tabs  1

UI overview  1

ClassCache  1, 2


ignoring classpath  1

classpathsuffix  1

client authentication

definition  1

steps to require  1

client certificate API

creating custom properties  1

client certificates

authentication  1

mapping to LDAP  1


lists of accesses  1

client-side applications  1


adding a server to  1

adding variables  1

configuring  1

definition and potential tasks for using  1

guidelines for configuring servers into  1

guidelines for using  1

managing  1

modifying information  1

removing servers  1

setting up  1

CmapLdapAttr  1, 2

cn  1, 2


defined  1

command line

using flexanlg to analyze access log files  1

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

overview  1

Common Logfile Format

definition  1

example  1

server access logs  1

common-log  1

community string

a text string that an SNMP agent uses for authorization  1

compromised key lists (CKLs)

installing and managing  1

concurrent connections

virtual servers, quality of service  1

CONFIG  1, 2

master agent, editing  1

CONFIG file  1

configuration file

SSL, setting values  1

configuration files

backup copies via Restore Configuration page  1

dynamic, working with  1

obj.conf  1

configuration styles  1

assigning  1

creating  1

editing  1

listing assignments  1

removing  1

using virtual servers  1

Configuring WebDAV  1

connection factory  1

connection groups

one set of SSL parameters for all virtual servers in a  1


search type option  1

content compression

activate  1

compressing content on demand  1

compression level  1

configuring for content compression  1

fragment size  1

inserting a Vary header  1

serving precompressed content  1

Content-length  1

Content-type  1

Control Panel (Windows NT)

using to shut down the Administration Server  1

control, access

overview  1


logging, easy  1

must enable to run CGI programs  1


cp367  1

cp819  1

creating a new JDBC connection pool  1

Creating a WebDAV collection  1

CRLs (certificate revocation lists)

installing and managing  1

cron-based log rotation  1

cryptographic modules, external

methods of using  1

custom resource  1

Customizing search  1

customizing form and results in separate pages  1

customizing the search results page  1



native SNMP, reconfiguring  1

native SNMP, restarting  1


restarting  1

data, request  1

data, response  1


accessing via virtual servers  1

database entries

adding using LDIF  1

database, trust

creating  1

password, changing  1

databases, ACLs and  1

Date  1

dayofweek  1

dbswitch.conf  1

dbswitch.conf file  1

dcsuffix  1

debugging dialog box

disabling  1

Declarative security  1


definition  1

default listen socket (ls1)  1


virtual server class  1


delete access  1


web applications  1

deleting users  1

deny  1

deploying web applications  1

deployment descriptor  1

DES algorithm

Directory Server settings  1

DES cipher  1

dialog box


disabling  1

digest authentication  1

server procedure for ACLs  1

Digest authentication method  1

Digest Authentication plug-in

installing  1

digestauth  1

DigestStaleTimeout  1


SSL3SessionTimeout (SSL)  1

SSLCacheEntries (SSL)  1

SSLSessionTimeout (SSL)  1


additional document  1

Directory Server

DES algorithm settings  1

ldapmodify command line utility  1

managing users and groups  1

required for distributed administration  1

user entries  1

directory services

configuring  1

directory services preferences

configuring  1, 2

distinguished name

for users, form of  1

Distinguished Name (DN) attribute

definition  1

distinguished names

mapping certificates to LDAP entries  1

distributed administration

Directory Server, required for  1

enabling  1


ACLs and  1

required for access control  1


string representation for the name of an entry in a directory server  1

DNComps  1


reducing effects of look-ups on server performance  1

-docroot  1

document directories

additional  1

primary  1

primary (document root)  1

restricting content publication  1

document footer

setting  1

document preferences

default MIME type, specifying a  1

directory indexing  1

index filenames  1

server home page  1

virtual servers, setting  1

document root  1

setting  1

document root directory

redirecting using chroot  1


lists of those accessed  1

Domain Name System

alias, defined  1

defined  1

drop words  1

dynamic configuration files

working with  1

dynamic reconfiguration  1


e  1

Editing a WebDAV collection  1

Enabling WebDAV  1


definition  1

encryption, two-way  1

ends with

search type option  1

error log

example  1

viewing  1

error log file  1, 2

location  1

error logs  1

virtual servers, configuring  1

Error qos-error  1

error responses, customizing  1


customizing responses  1

event variables

traps  1

Event Viewer  1

events, viewing (NT)  1

Exclusive locks  1

executable files, downloading  1

execute access  1

Expires  1

Expires header, defined  1

expressions, attribute

operators  1

expressions, custom  1

extranet, defined  1


FAT file systems

security (directories and files are not protected by access restrictions)  1

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-140  1

Figure showing the genwork file.  1

file cache

serves static information faster, and speeds up server-parsed HTML processing  1

file extensions

CGI  1

defined  1

file manipulation, remote

enabling  1

file types

defined  1


access control  1

certmap.conf  1


memberURL  1

FilterComps  1



enabling  1

flex_anlg  1


use and syntax  1

flex-init  1

flex-log  1

forms, restricting access to  1


GET  1, 2

SNMP message  1

GIF, defined  1

givenName  1

global security parameters  1

greater than  1


an object that describes a set of objects in an LDAP database  1


adding members to  1

adding to group members list  1

authentication  1

authentication, users  1

deleting  1

deleting entries  1

editing  1

finding  1

managing  1

renaming  1

restricting access  1

groups, static

definition  1

guidelines for creating  1

groups, users

about  1

groups-with-users  1


creating difficult passwords  1


Handler, Query

using  1

hard links, definition  1

hardware accelerators

certificates and keys stored in secmod.db  1

HEAD  1, 2

header, response  1

headers, request

list of  1

hierarchy, ACL authorization statements  1

home.html  1

Host  1

host names and IP addresses

specifying  1

Host-IP authentication  1


authentication  1

defined  1

restricting access  1

HP OpenView network management software

use with SNMP  1


function for creating your own authentication methods  1

htconvert  1


defined  1

server-parsed, setting up  1

HTML, server-parsed

file cache  1


compliance with 1.1  1

defined  1

requests  1

responses  1

status codes  1

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)

overview  1

http_head  1

httpacl  1



defined  1

HttpServerAdmin  1

control command  1

create command  1

delete command  1

list command  1

setting up virtual serves  1

syntax  1

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

overview  1

Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1 spec

URL reference  1


ibm367  1

ibm819  1


index.html  1

inetOrgPerson, object class  1

info access  1


init-clf  1

InitFn  1

initial naming context  1

inittab  1, 2, 3

defined  1

editing  1

restarting servers  1

starting the server with  1


CGI programs  1

multiple servers  1

internal daemon log rotation  1

Internal member URI  1

international considerations

LDAP users and groups  1

IP addresses

defined  1

restricting access  1

IP addresses and host names

specifying  1

IP-Address-Based virtual servers  1

iplanetReversiblePassword  1

iplanetReversiblePasswordobject  1


search type option  1



search type option  1


1991  1

iso_8859-1  1

1987  1

iso-2022-jp  1

iso646-us  1

iso-8859-1  1

iso-ir-100  1

iso-ir-6  1

issuerDN  1


environment variable  1

running HttpServerAdmin  1

iwsCpuId  1

iwsCpuIdleTime  1

iwsCpuIndex  1

iwsCpuUserTime  1

iwsInstanceContact  1

iwsInstanceCount2xx - 5xx  1

iwsInstanceCountOther  1

iwsInstanceDeathCount  1

iwsInstanceDescription  1

iwsInstanceEntry  1

iwsInstanceId  1

iwsInstanceIndex  1

iwsInstanceInOctets  1

iwsInstanceLoad15MinuteAverage  1

iwsInstanceLoad1MinuteAverage  1

iwsInstanceLoad5MinuteAverage  1

iwsInstanceLocation  1

iwsInstanceNetworkInOctets  1

iwsInstanceNetworkOutOctets  1

iwsInstanceOrganization  1

iwsInstanceOutOctets  1

iwsInstanceRequests  1

iwsInstanceStatus  1

iwsInstanceStatusChange  1

iwsInstanceTable  1

iwsInstanceUptime  1

iwsInstanceVersion  1

iwsKernelTime  1

iwsListenAddress  1

iwsListenEntry  1

iwsListenId  1

iwsListenIndex  1

iwsListenPort  1

iwsListenSecurity  1

iwsListenTable  1

iwsProcessConnectionQueueCount  1

iwsProcessConnectionQueueMax  1

iwsProcessConnectionQueueOverflows  1

iwsProcessConnectionQueuePeak  1

iwsProcessConnectionQueueTotal  1

iwsProcessEntry  1

iwsProcessFractionSystemMemoryUsage  1

iwsProcessId  1

iwsProcessIndex  1

iwsProcessKeepaliveCount  1

iwsProcessKeepaliveMax  1

iwsProcessSizeResident  1

iwsProcessSizeVirtual  1

iwsProcessTable  1

iwsProcessThreadCount  1

iwsProcessThreadIdle  1

iwsThreadPoolEntry  1, 2

iwsThreadPoolIndex  1

iwsThreadPoolTable  1

iwsVsCount200  1

iwsVsCount2xx - 5xx  1

iwsVsCount302  1

iwsVsCount304  1

iwsVsCount400  1

iwsVsCount401  1

iwsVsCount403  1

iwsVsCount404  1

iwsVsCount503  1

iwsVsCountOther  1

iwsVsEntry  1

iwsVsId  1

iwsVsIndex  1

iwsVsInOctets  1

iwsVsOutOctets  1

iwsVsRequests  1

iwsVsTable  1



application environment entries  1

factory,resource factory  1

initial naming context  1

Java mail sessions  1

JNDI naming services  1

managing resources  1

naming services and resources  1

resources  1

J2EE/Servlet-based Access Control

overview  1

When to use  1


Enabling and disabling Java  1

enabling Java for a particular virtual server  1

Java mail sessions  1

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)  1

Java Servlet API  1

JavaServer Pages

overview, how to install  1


configuring JDBC resources  1

connection pool  1

connection validation  1

connection validation required  1

table name  1

fail all connections  1

validation method  1

autocommit  1

meta-data  1

table  1

creating a custom resource  1

creating a JDBC resource  1

creating a new JDBC connection pool  1

creating an external resource  1

custom resource  1

data source name  1

datasource  1

guarantee isolation level  1


pool name  1

pool settings  1


idle timeout  1

max pool size  1

max wait time  1

pool resize quantity  1

steady pool size  1

translation isolation  1

dirty read  1

read-committed  1

read-uncommitted  1

repeatable-read  1

serializable  1

JDBC connection pool  1


about JNDI  1

connection factories  1

JNDI lookups and associated references  1

JNDI naming context  1

naming reference  1

naming references and binding information  1

naming services  1

resource reference name  1

JSP tag specifications  1


API reference  1

cache directory  1

deleting version files  1

overview, how to install  1

Web Server requirements for running  1


configuring Java Virtual Machine settings  1

configuring JVM options  1

configuring JVM path settings  1

configuring the JVM profiler  1

debug options  1

native library path  1


keepOldValueWhenRenaming parameter  1


definition  1

key database password  1

key pair file

changing password  1

key size restriction (based on PathCheck directive in obj.conf)  1

key-pair file

introduction  1

securing  1


exporting with pk12util  1

importing with pk12util  1


l  1


default, user entries  1

Language Header, Accept

using  1

Last-modified  1

latin1  1


configuring directory services  1

managing users and groups  1

mapping client certificates  1

search results, table of  1

specifying databases in the user interface  1

username and password authentication  1, 2

LDAP directories, and access control  1

LDAP search filter  1

LDAP searches

using certmap.conf  1


Directory Server command line utility  1

Directory Server utility  1

using to change an attribute value that is not displayed by the group edit form  1


adding database entries  1

import and export functions, about  1

libdigest-plugin.ldif  1

libdigest-plugin.lib  1  1  1

Library  1


managing  1

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

managing users and groups  1

Limit  1

LimitExcept  1

list access  1

listen socket

creating via HttpServerAdmin create command  1

enabling security  1

ls1  1, 2

ls1 (the default listen socket)  1

settings, editing  1

table  1

virtual servers  1

listen sockets

selecting the certificate name  1

load-modules  1


Locking resources

example  1

exclusive locking  1

How Sun ONE Web Server handles locking requests  1

lock management  1

minimum lock timeout  1

shared locking  1

log analyzer

flexanlg, use and syntax  1

running (archive server logs prior to use)  1

running from command line  1

log file location

admin/logs  1

log file, access

viewing  1

log files

2GB size limitation with Linux OS  1

access  1, 2

archiving  1, 2

common format for  1

configuring  1

error  1, 2

flexible format  1

setting preferences for  1

specifying options  1

virtual servers  1, 2

log rotation

cron-based  1

internal daemon  1

log, access

location  1

log, error

location  1

log_anly  1


cookie, easy  1


access  1

logs, error

viewing  1

Look Within directory

to display all user entries contained within  1


magnus.conf  1

ACLCacheLifetime directive  1

enabling .htaccess  1

global variable settings at start-up  1

security issues  1

termination timeout  1, 2

tuning thread limit  1

mail  1, 2

Manage Servers

Server Manager, list of preferences  1

managed objects  1, 2

Management Information Base (MIB)

location, Netscape/iPlanet  1

management information base (MIB)

defines managed objects  1

master agent

CONFIG file, editing  1


SNMP, enabling and starting  1

SNMP, installing  1, 2, 3

SNMP, manually configuring  1

SNMP, starting  1

starting on a nonstandard port  1

master agent, SNMP

installing  1

starting  1

MaxProcs  1

MaxThreads  1

MD5, defined  1

member URI  1

memberCertDescriptions  1

memberURL filter  1

memberURLs  1

metric interval  1


location, Netscape, iPlanet  1

migrating a 4.x server to 6.0  1


charset parameter  1

octet-stream  1

virtual server settings, configuring  1

-mime  1

MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension) types

definition and accessing page  1

MIME types

specifying a default  1

MIME, defined  1

Minimum Lock Timeout  1

MinThreads  1



MMappedSessionManager  1


PKCS#11, adding  1


installing PKCS#11 modules  1

MortalityTimeSecs  1

MOVE  1, 2


defined  1

multi-byte data  1


access control  1


native SNMP daemon

reconfiguring  1

restarting  1

NativePool  1


access to Administration Server via URL  1

ndex_page  1


managed objects and descriptions  1

network management station (NMS)  1

NIS, defined  1

NMS-initiated communication  1


defined  1

nobody user account  1

nonce  1

not  1


file cache settings  1

nssckbi.dll  1

NTFS file system

password protection  1


o  1

obj.conf  1, 2, 3

default authentication  1

referencing ACL files  1

removing styles  1

set up SAFs for using quality of service  1

virtual servers  1

octet-stream  1

OpenView, HP network management software

user with SNMP  1


attribute expressions  1

or  1

order  1

organizational units

creating  1

deleting  1

editing  1

finding  1

renaming  1

organizationalPerson, object class  1

ou  1


managing  1


password file  1

loading on startup  1

password protection

NTFS file system  1

password, user

to change or create  1

password.conf  1, 2


guidelines for creating  1

PathCheck  1, 2, 3

key size restriction  1


using quality of service  1

person, object class  1


exporting certificates and keys  1

importing certificates and keys  1


exporting certificates and keys with pk12util  1

importing certificates and keys with pk12util  1

installing using modutil  1

module, adding  1

pool parameter  1


security and  1

ports (under 1024)

no need to specify server user  1

POST  1, 2

PR_Recv()/net_read  1

PR_Send()/net_write  1

PR_TransmitFile  1

pragma no-cache  1

preferences, log

setting  1

primary document directory, setting  1

primary document directory, setting (document root)  1

Programmatic login  1

server.policy file  1

Programmatic security  1


access control  1


how to store on server  1


custom, creating  1



protocol data units (PDUs)  1


proxy agent, SNMP  1

installing  1

starting  1

proxy SNMP agent  1

installing  1

starting  1

public directories

configuring  1

public directories (Unix)

customizing  1

public information directories

using configuration styles to control access  1

public key  1, 2

Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS)#11

module, adding  1

PUT  1, 2


qos-error, Error  1

qos-handler, AuthTrans  1

quality of service

concurrent connections, virtual servers  1

example  1

only HTTP bandwidth for application level measured  1

set up SAFs in obj.conf for using  1

using  1

virtual servers, configuring settings for  1


building custom  1

Query Handler

using  1

QueueSize  1



defined  1

rc.2.d  1

starting the server with  1

rc.local  1

read access  1


Certificate Realm  1

Custom Realm  1

File Realm  1

How to configure  1

LDAP Realm  1

Native Realm  1

Solaris Realm  1

Specifying the default realm  1

recompute interval  1

redirecting the document root directory  1

redirection  1

redirection (access control)  1

Referer  1


remote file manipulation

enabling  1

remote servers

adding to a cluster  1




request data  1

request headers

list of  1

request-digest  1



require  1

RequireAuth  1


defined  1

Resource Picker

configuration styles  1

figure of  1

overview  1

wildcards  1

resource wildcards

list of  1

response data  1

response header  1

responses, HTTP  1

restart utility, automatic (NT)  1

RestrictAccess  1

restricting access to Web Server

procedure  1

restricting symbolic links  1

Rights required for WebDAV  1



defined  1

server and  1

root certificate

removing  1

restoring  1

rotation, access log  1

RqThrottleMinPerSocket  1


SAF samples

location  1

sagt  1

sagt, command for starting Proxy SNMP agent  1

schedulerd  1


about  1

advanced search  1

collections  1

adding scheduled maintenance  1

collection name  1

configuring a collection  1

creating a collection  1

display name  1

editing scheduled maintenance  1

encoding  1, 2, 3

maintaining a collection  1

pattern  1, 2, 3

reindexing  1

removing a collection  1

removing scheduled maintenance  1


updating a collection  1

customizing form and results in separate pages  1

customizing search pages  1

customizing the search query page  1

customizing the search results page  1

disabling search for a virtual server  1

enabling search for a virtual server  1

interface components  1

JSP tag specifications  1

max hits  1

path  1

query  1

scheduled collection maintenance  1

the search page  1

URI  1

viewing search results  1

search attribute options

list of  1

search base (base DN)

user IDs  1

search field

valid entries  1

search filter


search filter, LDAP

any string that contains an equal sign (=)  1

search queries

custom, building  1

search type options

list of  1

secret-keysize  1

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

encrypted communication protocol  1


Certificate realm  1

Custom realm  1

Defining access control by roles  1

File realm  1

Group mapping  1

How to configure a realm  1

LDAP realm  1

Mapping Roles to Restricted Areas  1

Native realm  1

new functionality in Sun ONE Web Server 6.1  1

overview  1

Principal mapping  1

Programmatic login  1

Role-based Authorization  1

security realms  1

Solaris realm  1

Specifying the default realm  1

When to use the J2EE/Servlet Model  1


.htaccess, considerations  1

enabling FIPS-140  1

enabling when creating a new listen socket  1

enabling when editing a new listen socket  1

global parameters in magnus.conf  1

increasing  1

virtual servers, configuring  1

security directives  1

See alsos

managing  1

Server  1


LDAP users and groups, international considerations  1

logs (archive prior to running the log analyzer)  1

removing  1

server access

restricting  1, 2

server authentication

definition  1

server daemon, defined  1

server instance

adding  1

Server Manager

accessing  1

introduction  1

list of additional tabs  1

Manager Servers, list of preferences  1

running the log analyzer (archive server logs prior to use)  1

tuning thread limit  1

UI overview  1

server root, defined  1

Server Settings

accessing  1

Server, Administrator

shutting down  1

server.policy  1

server.xml  1, 2, 3

servercertnickname  1

Server-initiated communication  1


checking status in real time via SNMP  1

installing multiple  1

migrating 4.x to 6.0  1

ports under 1024  1

remote, adding to a cluster  1

removing from a cluster  1

restart time interval, changing  1

restarting (NT)  1

restarting (Unix)  1

restarting automatically  1

restarting manually (Unix)  1

root user  1

starting  1, 2

starting and stopping  1

stopping  1

stopping manually (Unix)  1

types of CAs  1

types of statistics available for monitoring  1

user account for starting  1

using Control Panel to start  1

servers, running multiple

using virtual servers  1

server-side applications  1

how they are installed on Web Server  1

types that run on Web Server  1


API reference  1

cache directories  1

deleting version files  1

example of accessing  1

installed on server, how  1

overview, how to install  1

Web Server requirements for running  1

servlets and JSPs

deploying outside of web applications  1

SessionData  1


SNMP message  1

setting, superuser

changing  1

Shared Locks  1

shell CGI  1

shell programs

installing CGI, Windows NT  1

shutting down the Administration Server  1

SMUX  1, 2

sn  1


AIX daemon configuration  1

basics  1

checking server’s status in real time  1

community string  1

community strings, configuring  1


restarting  1

GET and Set messages  1

master agent  1

installing  1, 2, 3

manually configuring  1

starting  1

master agent, installing  1

master agent, starting  1

native daemon

reconfiguring  1

restarting  1

proxy agent  1

installing  1

starting  1

proxy agent, installing  1

proxy agent, starting  1

setting up on a server  1

subagent  1

trap  1

trap destinations, configuring  1

SNMP master agent

enabling and starting  1

snmpd, command for restarting native SNMP daemon  1

snmpd.conf  1

SOCKS, defined  1

soft (symbolic) links

definition  1

sounds like

search type option  1

Source URI  1


authentication  1

defined  1

enabling  1

enabling on Administration Server  1

information needed to enable  1

parameters, one set of per virtual server connection group  1

preparation for  1

using with virtual servers  1

SSL 2 protocol  1

SSL 3 protocol  1, 2

SSL authentication method  1

SSL configuration file directives

setting values  1

SSL2 protocol  1

SSL3 protocol  1

SSL3SessionTimeout (SSL)

directive  1


directive (SSL)  1

SSL-enabled servers

automatic start-up procedure  1


SSLSessionTimeout (SSL)

security directives  1

st  1

StackSize  1

start command

Unix platforms  1

starting the server  1, 2

user account needed  1

starts with

search type option  1

static groups

definition  1

guidelines for creating  1


accessing  1

quality of service bandwidth lost when server reconfigured dynamically  1

settings for measuring traffic  1

types available for monitoring server  1

stats-xml  1

status codes


stop command

shutting down the Administration Server  1

stop words  1

stopping the server  1


configuration  1

styles, configuration

creating  1



SNMP, enabling  1


administrator’s userid  1

distributed administration  1

superuser settings

changing  1

superuser, defined  1

symbolic (soft) links

definition  1

symbolic links, restricting  1


ACL files  1

sysContact  1, 2

sysContract  1

sysLocation  1, 2

system RC scripts

restarting the server  1


telephoneNumber  1

telnet  1

termination timeout

magnus.conf  1, 2

setting  1

testacl  1

thread limit, tuning  1

thread pools

information you specify to add  1

syntax in virtual server class obj.conf  1

time interval, server restarts

changing  1

timeofday  1

timeout, termination

setting  1

title  1

TLS  1

enabling  1

TLS and SSL3 ciphers

Netscape Navigator 6.0  1

TLS encryption protocol  1

TLS protocol  1

tlsrollback  1

top-level domain authority  1


settings, counting statistics for  1

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

encrypted communication protocol  1




messages containing event variables  1

Triple DES cipher  1

trust database

auto creation when requesting or installing certificates for external PKCS#11 module  1

creating  1

password, changing  1

single certificate per web server instance  1

trusting certificates  1

two-way encryption, ciphers  1

type, search options

list of  1


uid  1, 2

defined  1

uniqueMembers  1

unit, organizational

creating  1

units, organizational

deleting  1

editing  1

finding  1

renaming  1

Unix platform

accessing Administration Server  1


URI, defined  1

uri_path  1, 2


access to Administration Server  1

defined  1

mapping, defined  1

SSL-enabled servers and  1

URL forwarding

configuring  1

URL-Host-Based virtual servers  1

us  1

us-ascii  1

user accounts

changing  1

nobody  1

user and group authentication

results stored in ACL user cache  1

user authentication databases

define in dbswitch.conf  1

user directories

configuring  1

user directories (Unix)

customizing  1

user entries

changing  1

creating new  1

default language  1

deleting  1

Directory Server  1

finding  1

guidelines for creating  1

how to remove the old full name or uid values when renaming  1

renaming  1

user interfaces

Administration Server, Server Manager, Class Manager, and Virtual Server Manager  1

user licenses

managing  1

user password

to change or create  1


virtual server  1

User-agent  1


User-Group authentication  1, 2

userPassword  1


authentication  1

managing  1

restricting access  1

users and groups

about  1

ACL, specifying  1

managing using LDAP  1

utility, automatic restart (NT)  1


variables, event

traps  1

variables, global

settings in magnus.conf  1

verifycert  1


certificate authority  1

VeriSign Certificate

installing  1

requesting  1

version files

deleting, JSPs and servlets  1

Viewer, Event  1

viewing  1

viewing events  1

virtual server class

creating via HttpServerAdmin create command  1

specifying the chroot directory  1

thread pools  1

using quality of service  1

Virtual Server Manager

accessing  1

UI overview  1

virtual servers  1

acceptor threads  1

access logs, viewing  1

accessing databases  1

allowing users to monitor  1

associated services, specifying  1

certificates  1

class settings, editing or deleting  1

class, creating  1

classes, creating  1

concurrent connections, quality of service  1

configuring ACL settings  1

configuring MIME settings  1

configuring to use useradmin  1

configuring unique CGI attributes  1

content management  1

control command  1

controlling access  1

create command  1

creating  1

creating and editing  1

creating via HttpServerAdmin create command  1

default  1

defaultclass  1

delete command  1

deleting  1

deploying  1

deploying servlets and JSPs outside of web applications  1

document preferences, setting  1

dynamic reconfiguration  1

each class has separate configuration information  1

editing ACL settings  1

editing settings via Class Manager  1

editing settings via Virtual Server Manager  1

example, default configuration  1

example, intranet hosting  1

example, mass hosting  1

example, secure server  1

HttpServerAdmin, setting up via  1

introduction  1

list command  1

listen sockets  1

log files  1, 2

log settings, configuring  1

migrating from iWS 4.x version  1

obj.conf  1

one set of SSL parameters per connection group  1

public directories, configuring to use  1

quality of service, configuring settings  1

running multiple web servers  1

security issues  1

security, configuring  1

setting additional document directories  1

setting up  1, 2

setting up ACLs  1

specifying the chroot directory  1

types  1

useradmin  1

using access control  1

using CGIs  1

using configuration styles  1

using iWS features  1

using quality of service  1

using SSL  1

using variables  1

viewing access logs  1

viewing error logs  1

when requiring different trusted CAs  1

vs_port  1, 2

vs_urlhost  1, 2


WaitingThreads  1

wdeploy utility  1, 2

web application

defined  1

web application archive (WAR)

defined  1

web applications

deploying  1

Web Server

starting and stopping  1

web site

restricting access (global and single-instance)  1


collection  1

collection and resource management  1

configuring  1

at the URI level  1

at the virtual server class level  1

creating a collection  1

editing a collection  1

enabling  1

for a collection  1

for a virtual server class  1

for the server instance  1

enabling access control  1

example of a lock request  1

exclusive locks  1

features  1

How Sun ONE Web Server handles locking requests  1

internal member URI  1

lock management  1

locking  1

locking and unlocking resources  1

member URI  1

methods  1








minimum lock timeout  1

namespace operations  1

new HTTP headers  1

new HTTP methods  1

overview  1

properties manipulation  1

property  1

restricting access on WebDAV-enabled resources  1

rights required for WebDAV  1

security considerations  1

shared locks  1

source URI  1

URI  1

WebDAV-enabled client  1

WebDAV-enabled client  1

webserv61.mib  1


Resource Picker  1

wildcards, resource

list of  1

Windows CGI  1

Windows NT

programs, overview of CGI  1

Windows NT platforms

accessing Administration Server  1

write access  1

writing  1

WWW-authenticate  1


x509v3 certificates

attributes  1

x-euc-jp  1

x-mac-roman  1

x-sjis  1

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Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.