Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP6 NSAPI Programmer's Guide

Source Code

The source code for this example is in the qos.c file in the plugins/nsapi/examples subdirectory of the server root directory.

#include "nspr.h"
#include "base/pblock.h"
#include "frame/log.h"
#include "frame/http.h"

 decode : internal function used for parsing of QOS values in pblock

void decode(const char* val, PRInt32* var, pblock* pb)
    char* pbval;
    if ( (!var) || (!val) || (!pb) )
    pbval = pblock_findval(val, pb);
    if (!pbval)

     *var = atoi(pbval);


 This function is meant to be an error handler for an HTTP 503 error
 code, which is returned by qos_handler when QOS limits are exceeded
 and enforced.

 This sample function just prints out a message about which
 limits were exceeded.

NSAPI_PUBLIC int qos_error_sample(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq)
    char error[1024] = "";
    char* err_header = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Unable to service request
    char* err_footer = "</BODY></HTML>";

    PRBool ours = PR_FALSE;

    PRInt32 vs_bw = 0, vs_bwlim = 0, vs_bw_ef = 0,
            vs_conn = 0, vs_connlim = 0, vs_conn_ef = 0,
            vsc_bw = 0, vsc_bwlim = 0, vsc_bw_ef = 0,
            vsc_conn = 0, vsc_connlim = 0, vsc_conn_ef = 0,
            srv_bw = 0, srv_bwlim = 0, srv_bw_ef = 0,
            srv_conn = 0, srv_connlim = 0, srv_conn_ef = 0;

    pblock* apb = rq->vars;

    decode("vs_bandwidth", &vs_bw, apb);
    decode("vs_connections", &vs_conn, apb);

    decode("vs_bandwidth_limit", &vs_bwlim, apb);
    decode("vs_bandwidth_enforced", &vs_bw_ef, apb);

    decode("vs_connections_limit", &vs_connlim, apb);
    decode("vs_connections_enforced", &vs_conn_ef, apb);

    decode("vsclass_bandwidth", &vsc_bw, apb);
    decode("vsclass_connections", &vsc_conn, apb);

    decode("vsclass_bandwidth_limit", &vsc_bwlim, apb);
    decode("vsclass_bandwidth_enforced", &vsc_bw_ef, apb);

    decode("vsclass_connections_limit", &vsc_connlim, apb);
    decode("vsclass_connections_enforced", &vsc_conn_ef, apb);

    decode("server_bandwidth", &srv_bw, apb);
    decode("server_connections", &srv_conn, apb);

    decode("server_bandwidth_limit", &srv_bwlim, apb);
    decode("server_bandwidth_enforced", &srv_bw_ef, apb);

    decode("server_connections_limit", &srv_connlim, apb);
    decode("server_connections_enforced", &srv_conn_ef, apb);

    if ((vs_bwlim) && (vs_bw>vs_bwlim))
        /* VS bandwidth limit was exceeded, display it */
        ours = PR_TRUE;
        sprintf(error, "<P>Virtual server bandwidth limit of %d . 
			  Current VS bandwidth : %d . <P>",
              vs_bwlim, vs_bw);

    if ((vs_connlim) && (vs_conn>vs_connlim))
        /* VS connection limit was exceeded, display it */
        ours = PR_TRUE;
        sprintf(error, "<P>Virtual server connection limit of %d . 
			  Current VS connections : %d . <P>",
              vs_connlim, vs_conn);

    if ((vsc_bwlim) && (vsc_bw>vsc_bwlim))
        /* VSCLASS bandwidth limit was exceeded, display it */
        ours = PR_TRUE;
        sprintf(error, "<P>Virtual server class bandwidth limit of %d . 
			  Current VSCLASS bandwidth : %d . <P>",
              vsc_bwlim, vsc_bw);

    if ((vsc_connlim) && (vsc_conn>vsc_connlim))
        /* VSCLASS connection limit was exceeded, display it */
        ours = PR_TRUE;
        sprintf(error, "<P>Virtual server class connection limit of %d . 
			  Current VSCLASS connections : %d . <P>",
              vsc_connlim, vsc_conn);

    if ((srv_bwlim) && (srv_bw>srv_bwlim))
        /* SERVER bandwidth limit was exceeded, display it */
        ours = PR_TRUE;
        sprintf(error, "<P>Global bandwidth limit of %d . 
				Current bandwidth : %d . <P>",
              srv_bwlim, srv_bw);

    if ((srv_connlim) && (srv_conn>srv_connlim))
        /* SERVER connection limit was exceeded, display it */
        ours = PR_TRUE;
        sprintf(error, "<P>Global connection limit of %d . 
				Current connections : %d . <P>",
              srv_connlim, srv_conn);

    if (ours)
        /* this was really a QOS failure, therefore send the error page */
        pb_param *pp = pblock_remove ("content-type", rq->srvhdrs);

        if (pp != NULL)
        param_free (pp);

        pblock_nvinsert ("content-type", "text/html", rq->srvhdrs);

        protocol_start_response(sn, rq);
       net_write(sn->csd, err_header, strlen(err_header));
        net_write(sn->csd, error, strlen(error));
       net_write(sn->csd, err_footer, strlen(err_footer));
        return REQ_PROCEED;
        /* this 503 didn't come from a QOS SAF failure, 
					let someone else handle it */
        return REQ_PROCEED;


This is an NSAPI AuthTrans function.

It examines the QOS values in the request and compares them to the
QOS limits.

It does several things:
1) It will log errors if the QOS limits are exceeded.
2) It will return REQ_ABORTED with a 503 error code if the QOS limits
  are exceeded, and the QOS limits are set to be enforced. Otherwise
  it will return REQ_PROCEED.

NSAPI_PUBLIC int qos_handler_sample(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq)
    PRBool ok = PR_TRUE;

    PRInt32 vs_bw = 0, vs_bwlim = 0, vs_bw_ef = 0,
            vs_conn = 0, vs_connlim = 0, vs_conn_ef = 0,
            vsc_bw = 0, vsc_bwlim = 0, vsc_bw_ef = 0,
            vsc_conn = 0, vsc_connlim = 0, vsc_conn_ef = 0,
            srv_bw = 0, srv_bwlim = 0, srv_bw_ef = 0,
            srv_conn = 0, srv_connlim = 0, srv_conn_ef = 0;

    pblock* apb = rq->vars;

    decode("vs_bandwidth", &vs_bw, apb);
    decode("vs_connections", &vs_conn, apb);

    decode("vs_bandwidth_limit", &vs_bwlim, apb);
    decode("vs_bandwidth_enforced", &vs_bw_ef, apb);

    decode("vs_connections_limit", &vs_connlim, apb);
    decode("vs_connections_enforced", &vs_conn_ef, apb);

    decode("vsclass_bandwidth", &vsc_bw, apb);
    decode("vsclass_connections", &vsc_conn, apb);

    decode("vsclass_bandwidth_limit", &vsc_bwlim, apb);
    decode("vsclass_bandwidth_enforced", &vsc_bw_ef, apb);

    decode("vsclass_connections_limit", &vsc_connlim, apb);
    decode("vsclass_connections_enforced", &vsc_conn_ef, apb);

    decode("server_bandwidth", &srv_bw, apb);
    decode("server_connections", &srv_conn, apb);

    decode("server_bandwidth_limit", &srv_bwlim, apb);
    decode("server_bandwidth_enforced", &srv_bw_ef, apb);

    decode("server_connections_limit", &srv_connlim, apb);
    decode("server_connections_enforced", &srv_conn_ef, apb);

    if ((vs_bwlim) && (vs_bw>vs_bwlim))
        /* bandwidth limit was exceeded, log it */
         ereport(LOG_FAILURE, "Virtual server bandwidth limit of %d exceeded. 
				 Current VS bandwidth : %d", &vs_bwlim, vs_bw);

        if (vs_bw_ef)
            /* and enforce it */
            ok = PR_FALSE;

    if ((vs_connlim) && (vs_conn>vs_connlim))
       /* connection limit was exceeded, log it */
        ereport(LOG_FAILURE, "Virtual server connection limit of %d exceeded. 
				Current VS connections : %d", &vs_connlim, vs_conn);

        if (vs_conn_ef)
            /* and enforce it */
            ok = PR_FALSE;

    if ((vsc_bwlim) && (vsc_bw>vsc_bwlim))
        /* bandwidth limit was exceeded, log it */
         ereport(LOG_FAILURE, "Virtual server class bandwidth limit of %d exceeded. 
				 Current VSCLASS bandwidth : %d", &vsc_bwlim, vsc_bw);

        if (vsc_bw_ef)
            /* and enforce it */
            ok = PR_FALSE;

    if ((vsc_connlim) && (vsc_conn>vsc_connlim))
        /* connection limit was exceeded, log it */
        ereport(LOG_FAILURE, "Virtual server class connection limit of %d exceeded. 
				Current VSCLASS connections : %d", &vsc_connlim, vsc_conn);

        if (vsc_conn_ef)
            /* and enforce it */
            ok = PR_FALSE;

    if ((srv_bwlim) && (srv_bw>srv_bwlim))
        /* bandwidth limit was exceeded, log it */
        ereport(LOG_FAILURE, "Global bandwidth limit of %d exceeded. 
				Current global bandwidth : %d", &srv_bwlim, srv_bw);

        if (srv_bw_ef)
            /* and enforce it */
            ok = PR_FALSE;

    if ((srv_connlim) && (srv_conn>srv_connlim))
        /* connection limit was exceeded, log it */
        ereport(LOG_FAILURE, "Global connection limit of %d exceeded. 
				Current global connections : %d", &srv_connlim, srv_conn);

        if (srv_conn_ef)
            /* and enforce it */
            ok = PR_FALSE;

    if (ok)
        return REQ_PROCEED;
         /* one of the limits was exceeded
           therefore, we set HTTP error 503 "server too busy" */
        protocol_status(sn, rq, PROTOCOL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, NULL);
        return REQ_ABORTED;