Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP7 Administrator's Guide

Restarting the Server (UNIX/Linux)

To restart the server use one of the following methods:

Because the installation scripts cannot edit the /etc/rc.local and /etc/inittab files, you must edit these files with a text editor. If you do not know how to edit these files, consult your system administrator or system documentation.

Typically, you cannot start an SSL-enabled server with either of these files because the server requires a password before starting. Although you can start an SSL-enabled server automatically if you keep the password in plain text in a file, this practice is not recommended.

Caution – Caution –

Leaving the SSL-enabled server’s password in plain text in the server’s start script is a large security risk. Anyone who can access the file has access to the SSL-enabled server’s password. Consider the security risks before storing the SSL-enabled server’s password in plain text.

The server’s start script, key pair file, and the key password should all be owned by root (or, if a non-root user installed the server, that user account), with only the owner having read and write access to these files.

Starting SSL-enabled Servers Automatically

If security risks are not a concern for you,

ProcedureTo start your SSL-enabled server automatically

  1. Using a text editor open the start file located in the server_root/https-server_id.

  2. Locate the -start line in the script and insert the following:

    echo "password"|

    where password is the SSL password you have chosen.

    For example, if the SSL password is netscape, the edited line might look like this:


    echo "netscape"|./$PRODUCT_BIN -d $PRODUCT_SUBDIR/config $@

Restarting the Server with the Inittab (UNIX/Linux)

To restart the server using inittab, include the following text on one line in the /etc/inittab file:

http:23:respawn:server_root/type-identifier/start -start -i

where server_root is the directory where you installed the server, and type-identifier is the server’s directory.

The -i option prevents the server from putting itself in a background process.

Remove this line before you stop the server.

Restarting With the System RC Scripts (UNIX/Linux)

If you use the /etc/rc.local, or your system’s equivalent, place the following line in the /etc/rc.local:


Replace the server_root with the name of the directory in which you installed the server.

Restarting the Server Manually (UNIX/Linux)

To restart the server from the command line, log in as root if the server runs on ports with numbers lower than 1024; Alternatively, log in as root or with the server’s user account. At the command-line prompt, type the following line and press Enter:


where server_root is the directory where you installed the server.

You can use the optional parameter -i at the end of the line. The -i option runs the server in inittab mode, so that if the server process is ever killed or crashed, the inittab will restart the server. This option also prevents the server from putting itself in a background process.

Note –

If the server is already running, the start command fails. You must stop the server first, then use the start command. If the server fail to start, you should kill the process before trying to restart it.

Stopping the Server Manually (UNIX/Linux)

If you used the etc/inittab file to restart the server you must remove the line starting the server from /etc/inittab and type kill -1 1 before you try to stop the server. Otherwise, the server restarts automatically after it is stopped.

To stop the server manually, log in as root or use the server’s user account (if that is how you started the server), and then type the following at the command line:
