Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP7 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo request other server certificates

To request a certificate, perform the following steps:

  1. Access either the Administration Server or the Server Manager and choose the Security tab.

    From the Server Manager first select the server instance from the drop-down list.

  2. Click the Request a Certificate link.

  3. Select if this is a new certificate or a certificate renewal.

    Many certificates expire after a set period of time, such as six months or a year. Some CAs will automatically send you a renewal.

  4. Perform the following steps to specify how you want to submit the request for the certificate:

    • If the CA expects to receive the request in an email message, check CA Email and enter the email address of the CA. For a list of CAs, click List of available certificate authorities.

      • If you are requesting the certificate from an internal CA that is using Netscape Certificate Server, click CA URL and enter the URL for the Certificate Server. This URL should point to the certificate server’s program that handles certificate requests. A sample URL might be:

  5. Select the cryptographic module for the key-pair file you want to use when requesting the certificate from the drop-down list.

  6. Enter the password for your key-pair file.

    This is the password you specified when you created the trust database, unless you selected a cryptographic module other than the internal module. The server uses the password to get your private key and encrypt a message to the CA. The server then sends both your public key and the encrypted message to the CA. The CA uses the public key to decrypt your message.

  7. Enter your identification information.

    The format of this information varies by CA. For a general description of these fields, a list of Certificate Authorities is available through both Server Administrator, and Server Manager Security Pages under Request a Certificate. Note that most of this information usually isn’t required for a certificate renewal.

  8. Double-check your work to ensure accuracy.

    The more accurate the information, the faster your certificate is likely to be approved. If your request is going to a certificate server, you are prompted to verify the form information before the request gest submitted.

  9. Click OK.

  10. For the Server Manager, click Apply, and then Restart for changes to take effect.

    The server generates a certificate request that contains your information. The request has a digital signature created with your private key. The CA uses a digital signature to verify that the request wasn’t tampered with during routing from your server machine to the CA. In the rare event that the request is tampered with, the CA will usually contact you by phone.

    If you choose to email the request, the server composes an email message containing the request and sends the message to the CA. Typically, the certificate is then returned to you via email. If instead you specified a URL to a certificate server, your server uses the URL to submit the request to the Certificate Server. You might get a response via email or other means depending on the CA.

    The CA will notify you if it agrees to issue you a certificate. In most cases, the CA will send your certificate via email. If your organization is using a certificate server, you may be able to search for the certificate by using the certificate server’s forms.

    Note –

    Not all requests for a certificate from a commercial CA are granted. Many CAs require proof of identity before issuing a certificate. Also, it can take anywhere from one day to two months to get approval. You are responsible for promptly providing all the necessary information to the CA.

    Once you receive the certificate, you can install it. In the meantime, you can still use your server without SSL.