Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP7 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo start an SSL-enabled server automatically

If security risks are not a concern for you, follow these steps to start your SSL-enabled server automatically:

  1. Make sure SSL is activated.

  2. Create a new password.conf file in the config subdirectory of the server instance.

    • If you are using the internal PKCS#11 software encryption module that is provided with the server, enter the following information:


      • If you are using a different PKCS#11 module (for hardware encryption or hardware accelerators), specify the name of the PKCS#11 module, followed by the password. For example:


  3. Stop and restart your server for the new setting to take effect.

    You will always be prompted to supply a password when starting the web server, even after the password.conf file has been created.