Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP7 Administrator's Guide

Appendix D Support for Internationalization and Localization

The internationalized and localized version of the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 provides support for multiple languages and multiple encodings.

The main features are described in this appendix:

Entering Multibyte Data

If you want to enter multibyte data on the Server Manager or the Administration Server pages, you need to be aware of the following issues:

File or Directory Names

If a file or directory name is to appear in a URL, it cannot contain 8-bit or multibyte characters.

LDAP Users and Groups

For email addresses, use only those characters permitted in RFC 1700 ( User ID and password information must be stored in ASCII.

To make sure you enter characters in the correct format for users and groups, use a UTF-8 form-capable client (such as Netscape Communicator) to input 8-bit or multibyte data.

Support for Multiple Character Encodings

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 provides multiple character encoding support for the following features:


Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 supports setting and retrieving multibyte properties in the PROPPPATCH and PROPFIND methods. While request can be in any encoding format, the response from the server is always in UTF-8.


Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 uses a Java-based search engine that supports full-text indexing and searching of documents in all character encodings that the underlying Java VM supports. The default encoding for the documents can be specified at the time of creating a search collection. For HTML documents, the indexer tries to deduce the encoding from the HTML metatags and if it cannot, falls back to use the default encoding.

The search interface is based on JSP tag libraries and can be customized and localized in any language and encoding that you wish. The tag libraries are listed in the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Programmer’s Guide to Web Applications. For more information, see Customizing the Search Query Page.

Language Preferences

You can set the Default Language for your server which is used for all the end user error messages using the Magnus Editor from the server preferences. The localized version of Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 supports seven languages:

The end-user search interface in a localized version of the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 is completely localized.

Note –

This setting has no effect on a non-localized version of the web server.

Configuring the Server to Serve Localized Content

End users can configure their browsers to send an Accept-language header that describes their language preference for the content they are accessing. The server can be configured to serve content based on the Accept-language header by turning the acceptlanguage setting on for the VS class in the Edit Classes menu of the Administration Server. This also ensures that all end user error messages are also based on the Accept-language header.

For example, if acceptlanguage is set to on, and a client sends the Accept-language header with the value fr-CH,de, when requesting the following URL:

Your server searches for the file in the following order:

  1. The Accept-language list fr-CH,de.

  2. Language codes without the country codes (fr in the case of fr-CH):

  3. The DefaultLanguage, such as en, defined in the magnus.conf file.

  4. If none of these are found, the server tries:

    Note –

    Keep in mind when naming your localized files that country codes like CH and TW are converted to lower case and dashes (-) are converted to underscores (_).

    Caution – Caution –

    Enabling the acceptlanguage setting has a performance penalty since the server has to check for content in every language specified in the Accept-language as per the algorithm illustrated above.