Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP7 Installation and Migration Guide

ProcedureTo migrate settings and data from a 4.1 server to the 6.1 server

  1. In the Administration Server page, click the Migrate Servers tab.

  2. Click Migrate Server.

    Figure 6–1 Migrate server page

    Migrate server page

  3. Enter the server root of the server from which you want to migrate and click Search. For example:



    Sun Java System Web Server detects whether there are server instances installed in the directory you specified and displays the servers you can migrate in a section of the page called “Installed Servers.” The Administration Server cannot be migrated.

  4. Choose a server from the drop-down list and click Migrate.

    Figure 6–2 Select a Server to Migrate

    Select a server to migrate

  5. In the new Migration parameters window that is launched, specify the migration parameters.

    Figure 6–3 Specify the Migration Parameters

    Specify the Migration Parameters

    The sections on the form that you see depend upon which features your 4.1 iPlanet Web Server is using and which components you installed. The following sections of parameters are possible:

    • General Migration Parameters

      • Document Root

      • Java

        For more information, see The Migration Parameters Page in the online help.

  6. Click Migrate.

    The Migrate server_name page appears. It shows the results of the migration, including the parameters successfully migrated and the parameters that you need to migrate manually. It also shows any features of your 4.1 server that are not supported in 6.1.

    Figure 6–4 The Migrate server-name Page

    The Migrate server-name Page

    Note –

    During migration from a version 4.1 release, the Address directive from the magnus.conf file, which is deprecated in the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 is also migrated. This leads to the following warning message at server startup: "Warning ( ): Address directive ignored." You can ignore this warning message.

  7. Click Configure Migrated Server to configure your migrated server instance in the Server Manager, or click Close to close the migration window.