Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP7 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide


You can specify the parameter nostat in the NameTrans function assign-name to prevent the server from doing a stat on a specified URL whenever possible. Use the following syntax:



<Object name=default>NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/nsfc"
nostat="/nsfc" name="nsfc"</Object>
<Object name=nsfc>Service fn=service-nsfc-dump</Object>

In the previous example, the server does not stat for path /ntrans-base/nsfc and /ntrans-base/nsfc/* if ntrans-base is set. If ntrans-base is not set, the server does not stat for URLs /nsfc and /nsfc/*. By default, ntrans-base is set. The example assumes the default PathCheck server functions are used.

When you use nostat= virtual-path in the assign-name NameTrans, the server assumes that stat on the specified virtual-path will fail. Therefore, use nostat only when the path of the virtual-path does not exist on the system, for example, in NSAPI plugin URLs. Using nostat on those URLs improves performance by avoiding unnecessary stats on those URLs.