Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Configuration File Reference


NameTrans stands for Name Translation. NameTrans directives translate virtual URLs to physical directories on your server. For example, the URL

could be translated to the full file system path


NameTrans directives should appear in the default object. If there is more than one NameTrans directive in an object, the server executes each one in order until one succeeds.

The following NameTrans-class functions are described in detail in this section:


Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The assign-name function specifies the name of an object in obj.conf that matches the current request. The server then processes the directives in the named object in preference to the ones in the default object.

For example, consider the following directive in the default object:

NameTrans fn=assign-name name=personnel from=/personnel

Let’s suppose the server receives a request for http://server-name/personnel. After processing this NameTrans directive, the server looks for an object named personnel in obj.conf, and continues by processing the directives in the personnel object.

The assign-name function always returns REQ_NOACTION.


The following table describes parameters for the assign-name function.

Table 4–9 assign-name Parameters




Wildcard pattern that specifies the path to be affected. 


Specifies an additional named object in obj.conf whose directives will be applied to this request.


(Optional) Makes the server look for the PATHINFO forward in the path right after the ntrans-base instead of backward from the end of path as the server function assign-name does by default.

The value you assign to this parameter is ignored. If you do not wish to use this parameter, leave it out. 

The find-pathinfo-forward parameter is ignored if the ntrans-base parameter is not set in rq->vars. By default, ntrans-base is set.

This feature can improve performance for certain URLs by reducing the number of stats performed. 


(Optional) Prevents the server from performing a stat on a specified URL whenever possible. 

The effect of nostat="virtual-path" in the NameTrans function assign-name is that the server assumes that a stat on the specified virtual-path will fail. Therefore, use nostat only when the path of the virtual-path does not exist on the system, for example, for NSAPI plug-in URLs, to improve performance by avoiding unnecessary stats on those URLs.

When the default PathCheck server functions are used, the server does not stat for the paths /ntrans-base/virtual-path and /ntrans-base/virtual-path/* if ntrans-base is set (the default condition); it does not stat for the URLs /virtual-path and /virtual-path/* if ntrans-base is not set.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


# This NameTrans directive is in the default object.
NameTrans fn=assign-name name=personnel from=/a/b/c/pers
<Object name=personnel>
...additional directives..

NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/perf" find-pathinfo-forward="" 

NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/nsfc"  nostat="/nsfc" 


Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The document-root function specifies the root document directory for the server. If the physical path has not been set by a previous NameTrans function, the http://server-name/ part of the path is replaced by the physical path name for the document root.

When the server receives a request for http://server-name/somepath/somefile, the document-root function replaces http://server-name/ with the value of its root parameter. For example, if the document root directory is /usr/sun/webserver61/server1/docs, then when the server receives a request for http://server-name/a/b/file.html, the document-root function translates the path name for the requested resource to /usr/sun/webserver61/server1/docs/a/b/file.html.

This function always returns REQ_PROCEED. NameTrans directives listed after this will never be called, so be sure that the directive that invokes document-root is the last NameTrans directive.

There can be only one root document directory. To specify additional document directories, use the pfx2dir function to set up additional path name translations.


The following table describes parameters for the document-root function.

Table 4–10 document-root Parameters




File system path to the server’s root document directory. 


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


NameTrans fn=document-root root=/usr/sun/webserver61/server1/docs

NameTrans fn=document-root root=$docroot

See Also



Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The home-page function specifies the home page for your server. Whenever a client requests the server’s home page (/), they’ll get the document specified.


The following table describes parameters for the home-page function.

Table 4–11 home-page Parameters




Path and name of the home page file. If path starts with a slash (/), it is assumed to be a full path to a file.

This function sets the server’s path variable and returns REQ_PROCEED. If path is a relative path, it is appended to the URI and the function returns REQ_NOACTION continuing on to the other NameTrans directives.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


NameTrans fn="home-page" path="/path/to/file.html"
NameTrans fn="home-page" path="/path/to/$id/file.html"



Applicable in all stage directives. The match-browser SAF matches specific strings in the User-Agent string supplied by the browser, and then modifies the behavior of Sun Java System Web Server based upon the results by setting values for specified variables. See match-browser.


Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The ntrans-dav function determines whether a request should be handled by the WebDAV subsystem and if so, adds a dav object to the pipeline.


The following table describes parameters for the ntrans-dav function.

Table 4–12 ntrans-dav Parameters




Specifies an additional named object in obj.conf whose directives will be applied to this request.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


NameTrans fn="ntrans-dav" name="dav"


See Also



Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The ntrans-j2ee function determines whether a request maps to a Java web application context.


The following table describes parameters for the ntrans-j2ee function.

Table 4–13 ntrans-j2ee Parameters




Named object in obj.conf whose directives are applied to requests made to Java web applications.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


 NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"


See Also

service-j2ee, error-j2ee


Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The pfx2dir function replaces a directory prefix in the requested URL with a real directory name. It also optionally allows you to specify the name of an object that matches the current request. (See the discussion of assign-name for details of using named objects.)


The following table describes parameters for the pfx2dir function.

Table 4–14 pfx2dir Parameters




URI prefix to convert. It should not have a trailing slash (/). 


Local file system directory path that the prefix is converted to. It should not have a trailing slash (/). 


(Optional) Specifies an additional named object in obj.conf whose directives will be applied to this request.


(Optional) Makes the server look for the PATHINFO forward in the path right after the ntrans-base instead of backward from the end of path as the server function find-pathinfo does by default.

The value you assign to this parameter is ignored. If you do not wish to use this parameter, leave it out. 

The find-pathinfo-forward parameter is ignored if the ntrans-base parameter is not set in rq->vars when the server function find-pathinfo is called. By default, ntrans-base is set.

This feature can improve performance for certain URLs by reducing the number of stats performed in the server function find-pathinfo.

On Windows, this feature can also be used to prevent the PATHINFO from the server URL normalization process (changing '\' to '/') when the PathCheck server function find-pathinfo is used. Some double-byte characters have hexadecimal values that may be parsed as URL separator characters such as \ or ~. Using the find-pathinfo-forward parameter can sometimes prevent incorrect parsing of URLs containing double-byte characters.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


In the first example, the URL http://server-name/cgi-bin/resource (such as http://x.y.z/cgi-bin/test.cgi) is translated to the physical path name /httpd/cgi-local/resource (such as /httpd/cgi-local/test.cgi), and the server also starts processing the directives in the object named cgi.

NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/cgi-bin dir=/httpd/cgi-local name=cgi


In the second example, the URL http://server-name/icons/resource (such as http://x.y.z/icons/happy/smiley.gif) is translated to the physical path name /users/nikki/images/resource (such as /users/nikki/images/smiley.gif).

NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/icons/happy dir=/users/nikki/images


The third example shows the use of the find-pathinfo-forward parameter. The URL http://server-name/cgi-bin/resource is translated to the physical path name /export/home/cgi-bin/resource.

NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" find-pathinfo-forward="" from="/cgi-bin"
dir="/export/home/cgi-bin" name="cgi"


Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The redirect function lets you change URLs and send the updated URL to the client. When a client accesses your server with an old path, the server treats the request as a request for the new URL.


The following table describes parameters for the redirect function.

Table 4–15 redirect Parameters




Specifies the prefix of the requested URI to match. 


(Maybe optional) Specifies a complete URL to return to the client. If you use this parameter, don’t use url-prefix (and vice versa).


(Maybe optional) The new URL prefix to return to the client. The from prefix is simply replaced by this URL prefix. If you use this parameter, don’t use url (and vice versa).


(Optional) Flag that tells the server to util_uri_escape the URL before sending it. It should be yes or no. The default is yes.

For more information about util_uri_escape, see the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 NSAPI Programmer’s Guide.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


In the first example, any request for http://server-name/whatever is translated to a request for http://tmpserver/whatever.

NameTrans fn=redirect from=/ url-prefix=http://tmpserver


In the second example, any request for http://server-name/toopopular/whatever is translated to a request for http://bigger/better/stronger/morepopular/whatever.

NameTrans fn=redirect from=/toopopular url=http://bigger/better/stronger/morepopular



Applicable in all stage directives. The set-variable SAF enables you to change server settings based upon conditional information in a request, and to manipulate variables in parameter blocks by using specific commands. See set-variable.


Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The strip-params function removes embedded semicolon-delimited parameters from the path. For example, a URI of /dir1;param1/dir2 would become a path of /dir1/dir2. When used, the strip-params function should be the first NameTrans directive listed.


The following table describes parameters for the strip-params function.

Table 4–16 strip-params Parameters




(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


NameTrans fn=strip-params


Applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

UNIX Only. The unix-home function translates user names (typically of the form ~username) into the user’s home directory on the server’s UNIX machine. You specify a URL prefix that signals user directories. Any request that begins with the prefix is translated to the user’s home directory.

You specify the list of users with either the /etc/passwd file or a file with a similar structure. Each line in the file should have this structure (elements in the passwd file that are not needed are indicated with *):


If you want the server to scan the password file only once at startup, use the Init-class function init-uhome in magnus.conf.


The following table describes parameters for the unix-home function.

Table 4–17 unix-home Parameters




Subdirectory within the user’s home directory that contains their web documents. 


(Optional) Full path and file name of the password file if it is different from /etc/passwd.


(Optional) Specifies an additional named object whose directives will be applied to this request. 


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


NameTrans fn=unix-home from=/~ subdir=public_html
NameTrans fn=unix-home from /~ pwfile=/mydir/passwd subdir=public_html


See Also
