Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Configuration File Reference


Applicable in Service-class directives.

The list-dir function returns a sequence of text lines to the client in response to a request whose method is INDEX. The format of the returned lines is:

name type size mimetype

The name field is the name of the file or directory. It is relative to the directory being indexed. It is URL-encoded, that is, any character might be represented by %xx, where xx is the hexadecimal representation of the character's ASCII number.

The type field is a MIME type such as text/html. Directories will be of type directory. A file for which the server doesn't have a type will be of type unknown.

The size field is the size of the file, in bytes.

The mtime field is the numerical representation of the date of last modification of the file. The number is the number of seconds since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00 UTC) since the last modification of the file.

When remote file manipulation is enabled in the server, the obj.conf file contains a Service-class function that calls list-dir for requests whose method is INDEX.


The following table describes parameters for the list-dir function.

Table 4–51 list-dir Parameters




(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


Service fn=list-dir method="INDEX"