Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Guide

Administering and Managing Sun Java System Web Servers

You can manage your Sun Java System Web Server(s) via the following user interfaces:

In previous releases, the Web Server and other Netscape servers were administered by a single server, called the Administration Server. In the 4.x release, the “administration server” became simply an additional instance of the Sun Java System Web Server, called Sun Java System Web Server Administration Server, or Administration Server. You use the Administration Server to administer all of your Sun Java System Web Server instances. For more information, see Administration Server.

Note –

You can also perform administrative tasks manually by editing the configuration files or by using command-line utilities.

For managing individual instances of Sun Java System Web Server, you can use the Server Manager. For more information, see Server Manager.

To manage virtual servers, use the Class Manager. For more information, see Class Manager.