Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Guide

Example #3

The following example uses the CmapLdapAttr property to scan the LDAP database for the certSubjectDN attribute whose value exactly matches the entire subject DN taken from the client certificate.

certmap myco ou=My Company Inc, o=myco, c=USmyco:CmapLdapAttr certSubjectDNmyco:DNComps o, c myco:FilterComps mail, uid myco:verifycert on

If the client certificate subject is:

uid=Walt Whitman, o=LeavesOfGrass Inc, c=US

the server first searches for entries that contain the following information:

certSubjectDN=uid=Walt Whitman, o=LeavesOfGrass Inc, c=US

If one or more matching entries are found, the server proceeds to verify the entries. If no matching entries are found, the server will use DNComps and FilterComps to search for matching entries. In this example, the server would search for uid=Walt Whitman in all entries under o=LeavesOfGrass Inc, c=US.

Note –

This example assumes the LDAP directory contains entries with the certSubjectDN attribute.