Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Guide

Logging Using syslog

For stable operational environments where centralized logging is required syslog is appropriate. For environments where log output is frequently required for diagnostics and debugging, individual server instance or virtual server logs may be more manageable.

Note –

By using the syslog log file, in conjunction with the syslogd, and the system log daemon, you can configure the syslog.conf file to:

Since logging to the syslog means, logs from Sun Java System Web Server, and other daemon applications are collected in the same file, logged messages are enhanced with the following information to identify Sun Java System Web Server-specific messages from the particular server or virtual server instance:

The LOG element can be configured for both the administration server and the server instance in the server.xml file.

For more information on the syslog logging mechanism used in the UNIX operating environment, use the following man commands at a terminal prompt:

man syslog
man syslogd
man syslog.conf