Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo change the superuser settings for the Administration server

  1. Access the Administration Server and choose the Preferences tab.

  2. Click the Superuser Access Control link.

  3. Make the desired changes and click OK.

    Note –

    You can change the Administration Server user from root to another user to enable multiple users (belonging to the group) to edit or manage the configuration files. If you use a UNIX/Linux platform, the installer can give “rw” (read/write) permissions to a group for the configuration files, on Windows platforms, the user must belong to the “Administrators” group to modify the configuration file.

    The superuser’s user name and password are kept in a file called server_root/https-admserv/config/admpw. If you forget the user name, you can view this file to obtain the actual name; however, note that the password is encrypted and unreadable. The file has the format username:password. If you forget the password, you can edit the admpw file and simply delete the encrypted password. You can then go to the Server Manager forms and specify a new password.

    Caution – Caution –

    Because you can edit the admpw file, it is very important that you keep the server in a secure location and restrict access to its file system:

    • On UNIX/Linux systems, consider changing the file ownership so that it is writable only by root or the system user that runs the Administration Server daemon.

    • On Windows systems, restrict the file ownership to the user account that the Administration Server uses.