Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo make an advanced search query

  1. Access the Search web application by entering its URL in the Location bar of your browser, in the following format:

    http://<server-instance>:port number/search

  2. Click the Advanced link.

  3. Enter any or all of the following information:

    • Search in. Select the collection you want to search.

      • Find. Four options are supported:

        • All of the words. Finds pages that include all the key words specified in Find.

        • Any of the words. Finds pages that include any of the key words specified in Find.

        • The exact phrase. Finds pages that match the exact phrase used in Find.

      • Without the words. The search will exclude Web pages that contain the specified words.

      • Title “does/does not“ contain. Restrict the search to pages with titles that include the specified key words.

      • Since. Restrict the search operation to Web pages indexed in the selected time period.