Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 NSAPI Programmer's Guide

NameTrans Example

The ntrans.c file in the nsapi/examples/ or plugins/nsapi/examples subdirectory of the server root directory contains source code for two example NameTrans functions:

Note –

A NameTrans function is used primarily to convert the logical URL in ppath in rq->vars to a physical path name. However, the example discussed here, explicit_pathinfo, does not translate the URL into a physical path name; it changes the value of the requested URL. See the second example, https_redirect, in ntrans.c for an example of a NameTrans function that converts the value of ppath in rq->vars from a URL to a physical path name.

The explicit_pathinfo example allows URLs to explicitly include extra path information for use by a CGI program. The extra path information is delimited from the main URL by a specified separator, such as a comma.

For example:


In this case, the URL of the requested resource (which would be a CGI program) is http://server-name/cgi/marketing, and the extra path information to give to the CGI program is /jan/releases/hardware.

When choosing a separator, be sure to pick a character that will never be used as part of the real URL.

The explicit_pathinfo function reads the URL, strips out everything following the comma, and puts it in the path-info field of the vars field in the request object (rq->vars). CGI programs can access this information through the PATH_INFO environment variable.

One side effect of explicit_pathinfo is that the SCRIPT_NAME CGI environment variable has the separator character tacked onto the end.

NameTrans directives usually return REQ_PROCEED when they change the path, so that the server does not process any more NameTrans directives. However, in this case we want name translation to continue after we have extracted the path info, since we have not yet translated the URL to a physical path name.

Installing the Example

To install the function on the Sun Java System Web Server, add the following Init directive to magnus.conf to load the compiled function:

Init fn=load-modules shlib=yourlibrary funcs=explicit-pathinfo

Inside the default object in obj.conf, add the following NameTrans directive:

NameTrans fn=explicit-pathinfo separator=","

This NameTrans directive should appear before other NameTrans directives in the default object.

Source Code

This example is in the ntrans.c file in the nsapi/examples/ or plugins/nsapi/examples subdirectory of the server root directory.

#include "nsapi.h"
#include <string.h>           /* strchr */
#include "frame/log.h"         /* log_error */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
NSAPI_PUBLIC int explicit_pathinfo(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq)
    /* Parameter: The character to split the path by */
    char *sep = pblock_findval("separator", pb);
    /* Server variables */
    char *ppath = pblock_findval("ppath", rq->vars);
    /* Temp var */
    char *t;
    /* Verify correct usage */
    if(!sep) {
       log_error(LOG_MISCONFIG, "explicit-pathinfo", sn, rq,
           "missing parameter (need root)");
       /*     When we abort, the default status code is 500 Server
          Error */
       return REQ_ABORTED;
    /* Check for separator. If not there, don't do anything */
    t = strchr(ppath, sep[0]);
       return REQ_NOACTION;
    /* Truncate path at the separator */
    *t++ = '\0';
    /* Assign path information */
    pblock_nvinsert("path-info", t, rq->vars);
    /*     Normally NameTrans functions return REQ_PROCEED when they
        change the path. However, we want name translation to
       continue after we're done. */
   return REQ_NOACTION;
#include "base/util.h"        /* is_mozilla */
#include "frame/protocol.h"   /* protocol_status */
#include "base/shexp.h"        /* shexp_cmp */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
NSAPI_PUBLIC int https_redirect(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq)
    /* Server Variable */
    char *ppath = pblock_findval("ppath", rq->vars);
    /* Parameters */
    char *from = pblock_findval("from", pb);
    char *url = pblock_findval("url", pb);
    char *alt = pblock_findval("alt", pb);
    /* Work vars */
    char *ua;
    /* Check usage */
    if((!from) || (!url)) {
       log_error(LOG_MISCONFIG, "https-redirect", sn, rq,
          "missing parameter (need from, url)");
       return REQ_ABORTED;
    /*     Use wildcard match to see if this path is one we should
       redirect */
   if(shexp_cmp(ppath, from) != 0)
       return REQ_NOACTION;   /* no match */
    /*     Sigh. The only way to check for SSL capability is to
        check UA */
    if(request_header("user-agent", &ua, sn, rq) == REQ_ABORTED)
       return REQ_ABORTED;
    /*     The is_mozilla function checks for Mozilla version 0.96
        or greater */
    if(util_is_mozilla(ua, "0", "96")) {
       /* Set the return code to 302 Redirect */
       protocol_status(sn, rq, PROTOCOL_REDIRECT, NULL);
       /*     The error handling functions use this to set the
           Location: */
       pblock_nvinsert("url", url, rq->vars);
       return REQ_ABORTED;
    /* No match. Old client. */
    /* If there is an alternate document specified, use it. */
    if(alt) {
       pb_param *pp = pblock_find("ppath", rq->vars);
       /* Trash the old value */
       /*     We must dup it because the library will later free
           this pblock */
       pp->value = STRDUP(alt);
       return REQ_PROCEED;
    /* Else do nothing */
    return REQ_NOACTION;