Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

Monitoring Current Activity Using the Server Manager

You can monitor many performance statistics through the Server Manager user interface, and through stats-xml. Once statistics are activated, you can monitor the following areas:

Activating Statistics

You must activate statistics on Sun Java System Web Server before you can monitor performance. This can be done through the Server Manager, or by editing the obj.conf and magnus.conf files.

Caution – Caution –

When you activate statistics/profiling, statistics information is made available to any user of your server.

Activating Statistics from the Server Manager

You can activate statistics from the user interface.

ProcedureTo activate statistics from the user interface

  1. From the Server Manager, click the Monitor tab, and then click Monitor Current Activity.

    The Enable Statistics/profiling page appears.

  2. Select Yes to activate Statistics/Profiling.

  3. Click OK, click Apply, and then click the Apply Changes button to activate Statistics/Profiling.

Activating Statistics with stats-xml

You can also activate statistics directly by editing the obj.conf and magnus.conf files. Users who create automated tools or write customized programs for monitoring and tuning may prefer to work directly with stats-xml.

ProcedureTo activate statistics using stats-xml

  1. Under the default object in obj.conf, add the following line:

    NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/stats-xml/*" name="stats-xml"

  2. Add the following Service function to obj.conf:

    <Object name="stats-xml"> Service fn="stats-xml" </Object>

  3. Add the stats-init SAF to magnus.conf.

    Here's an example of stats-init in magnus.conf:

    Init fn="stats-init" update-interval="5" virtual-servers="2000" profiling="yes"

    The above example shows you can also designate the following:

    • update-interval. The period in seconds between statistics updates. A higher setting (less frequent) will be better for performance. The minimum value is 1; the default value is 5.

    • virtual-servers. The maximum number of virtual servers for which you track statistics. This number should be set equal to or higher than the number of virtual servers configured. Smaller numbers result in lower memory usage. The minimum value is 1; the default is 1000.

    • profiling. Activate NSAPI performance profiling. The default is "no," which results in slightly better server performance. However, if you activate statistics through the user interface, profiling is turned on by default.

Monitoring Statistics

Once you’ve activated statistics, you can get a variety of information on how your server instance and your virtual servers are running. The statistics are broken up into functional areas.

ProcedureTo monitor statistics from the Server Manager

  1. From the Server Manager, click the Monitor tab, and then click Monitor Current Activity.

  2. To ensure that statistics/profiling is activated ("Yes" is selected and applied for "Activate Statistics/Profiling?").

  3. From the drop-down list, select a refresh interval.

    This is the interval, in seconds, that updated statistics will be displayed on your browser.

  4. From the drop-down list, select the type of web server statistics to display.

  5. Click Submit.

    A page appears displaying the type of statistics you selected. The page is updated every 5-15 seconds, depending on the refresh interval. All pages will display a bar graph of activity, except for Connections.

  6. Select the process ID from the drop-down list.

    You can view the current activity through the Server Manager, but these categories are not fully relevant for tuning your server. The perfdump statistics is recommended for tuning your server. For more information, see Using Statistics to Tune Your Server

Virtual Server Statistics

Virtual server statistics can be viewed from the Server Manager. You can choose to display statistics for the server instance, for an individual virtual server, or for all. This information is not provided through perfdump.