Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Programmer's Guide to Web Applications

Realm Configuration

This section provides an overview of the configuration characteristics of the supported realms. For detailed information about configuring realms, see the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator’s Guide.

The section describes the following realms:


The file realm is the default realm when you first install Sun Java System Web Server, and has the following configuration characteristics:

Required properties are as follows:

The user information file is initially empty, so you must add users before you can use the file realm.


The LDAP realm allows you to use an LDAP database for user security information, and has the following configuration characteristics:

Required properties are as follows:

You can add the following optional properties to tailor the LDAP realm behavior:

You must create the desired user(s) in your LDAP directory. You can do this from the Sun™ Java System Directory Server console, or through any other administration tool that supports LDAP and your directory's schema. User and group information is stored in the external LDAP directory.

The principal-name used in the deployment descriptors must correspond to your LDAP user information.


The Solaris realm allows authentication using Solaris user name and password data. This realm is supported only on Solaris 9, and has the following configuration characteristics:

Required properties are as follows:

Users and groups are stored in the underlying Solaris user database, as determined by the system’s PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) configuration.

Note –

The Solaris realm invokes the underlying PAM infrastructure for authentication. If the configured PAM modules require root privileges, the instance must run as root to use this realm. For details, see the "Using Authentication Services (Tasks)" chapter in the Solaris 9 System Administration Guide: Security Services.


The certificate realm supports SSL authentication. The certificate realm sets up the user identity in Sun Java System Web Server's security context and populates it with user data from the client certificate. The J2SE containers then handle authorization processing based on each user's DN from his or her certificate. The certificate realm has the following configuration characteristics:

You can add the following optional property to tailor the certificate realm behavior:

When you deploy an application, you must specify CLIENT-CERT as the authentication mechanism in the web.xml file as follows:


You must obtain a client certificate and install it in your browser to complete the setup for client certificate authentication. For details on how to set up the server and client certificates, see the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator’s Guide.

You can configure the server instance for SSL authentication in these ways:

Note –

In most cases, it is not necessary to configure a certificate realm in server.xml when using CLIENT-CERT authentication in web applications. Since the CLIENT-CERT authentication method inherently implies certificate-based authentication, Sun Java System Web Server will internally use a certificate realm even if one is not configured in server.xml. You can still configure a certificate realm if you want to specify properties for it (for example, assign-groups).

Custom Realm

You can create a custom realm by providing a Java™ Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login module and a realm implementation. Note that client-side JAAS login modules are not suitable for use with Sun Java System Web Server. For more information about JAAS, refer to the JAAS specification for Java 2 SDK, v1.4, available here:

A sample application that uses a custom realm is available with Sun Java System Web Server at the following location:


Native Realm

The native realm is a special realm that provides a bridge between the core Sun Java System Web Server ACL-based authentication and the J2SE/Servlet authentication model. By using the native realm for Java web applications, it becomes possible to have the ACL subsystem perform the authentication (instead of having the Java web container do so) and yet have this identity available for Java web applications.

This functionality is provided by pluggable realm called NativeRealm, which acts as a bridge between the J2SE security subsystem and the access control security subsystem.

Depending on whether a security constraint is configured for a web application, the two modes of operation described below are supported by the native realm:

For more details about access control lists, see the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP8 Administrator’s Guide.

Note –

While it is possible to apply both ACL access control rules and web.xml security constraints on a single application, this usage is discouraged. It may lead to duplicate authentication prompts or otherwise confusing behavior. You should always pick either core ACL or J2SE web.xml-based access control mechanisms for a given web application.