Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP9 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 11 Monitoring Servers

This chapter contains information on ways to monitor your server, including the built-in monitoring tool, the quality of service features, and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

You can use SNMP with Sun Java System Management Information Bases (MIB) and network management software such as HP OpenView, to monitor your servers in real-time just as you monitor other devices in your network.

Note –

On Windows, before installing Sun Java System Web Server 6.1, ensure that Windows SNMP components are already installed on your machine.

You can view the server’s status in real time by using the statistics feature or the SNMP. If you are using UNIX or Linux, you must configure your Sun Java System Web Server for SNMP if you plan to use it. This chapter provides the information you need to use SNMP on UNIX or Linux with your Sun Java System server.

The following topics are included in this chapter:

Monitoring the Server Using Statistics

You can use the statistics feature to monitor your server’s current activity. The statistics show you how many requests your server is handling and how well it is handling these requests. You can view some statistics for individual virtual servers, and others for the entire server instance. If the interactive server monitor reports that the server is handling a large number of requests, you may need to adjust the server configuration or the system’s network kernel to accommodate the requests. For more information, see the online Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Performance Tuning, Sizing and Scaling Guide.

Once you enable statistics, you can view statistics in the following areas:

For a description of the server statistics for which the interactive server monitor reports the totals, see the Monitor Current Activity page in the online help.

Caution – Caution –

When you enable statistics/profiling, statistics information is made available to any user of your server. See the description of stats-xml in the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP9 NSAPI Programmer’s Guide for more information.

Enabling Statistics

You need to perform the following steps to enable statics:

ProcedureTo enable statistics

  1. From the Server Manager, click the Monitor tab.

  2. Click Monitor Current Activity

  3. Click Yes to enable statistics.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Apply to apply your changes. You do not need to restart the server.

    For more information on enabling statistics, see the online help.

Using Statistics

Once you have enabled statistics, you can get a variety of information on how your server instance and your virtual servers are running. The statistics are broken up into functional areas.

To access statistics, perform the following steps:

ProcedureTo access statistics

  1. From the Server Manager, click the Monitor tab.

  2. Click Monitor Current Activity.

  3. From the drop-down list, choose the poll interval.

    The poll interval is the number of seconds between updates of the statistics information displayed.

  4. From the drop-down list, choose the kind of statistics you want displayed.

  5. Click Submit.

    If your server instance is running, and you have enabled statistics/profiling, you see a page displaying the kind of statistics you selected. The page is updated every 5-15 seconds, depending upon what you chose for the poll interval.

    You can use the data you see in statistics to tune your server. For more information, see the online Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP9 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide.

Using Quality of Service

Quality of Service refers to the performance limits you set for a server instance virtual server class or virtual server. For example, if you are an ISP, you might want to charge different amounts of money for virtual servers depending on how much bandwidth you allow them. You can limit two areas: the amount of bandwidth and the number of connections.

You can enable these settings for the entire server or for a class of virtual servers in the Server Manager from the Monitor tab. However, you can override these server or class-level settings for an individual virtual server. For more information on setting quality of service limits for an individual server, see Configuring Virtual Server Quality of Service Settings.

Two settings govern how traffic is counted and how often the bandwidth is recomputed: the recompute interval and the metric interval. The recompute is how often (in milliseconds) the bandwidth is computed. The metric interval is the period for which data is used in traffic calculations.

This section includes the following topics:

Quality of Service Example

The following example shows how the quality of service information is collected and computed:

The server has metric interval of 30 seconds.

The server starts up at a time of 0 seconds.

At time 1 second, an HTTP connection generates 5000 bytes of traffic to/from the server.

No more connections are made after that. At 30 seconds, the total traffic for the last 30 seconds is 5000 bytes.

At 32 seconds, the traffic sample from 1 second is discarded, since it is older than the 30 seconds of the metric interval. The total traffic for the last 30 seconds is now 0.

The recompute interval works similarly. The server’s recompute interval is 100ms.

Continuing with the example, the bandwidth gets recomputed periodically every 100 milliseconds. The calculation is based on the amount of traffic as well as the metric interval.

At time 0 seconds, the bandwidth is calculated for the first time. The total traffic is zero, divided by the metric interval of 30 seconds, gives a bandwidth of zero.

At 1 second, the bandwidth is calculated for the 10th time (1000 milliseconds/ 100 milliseconds). The total traffic is 5000 bytes, which is divided by 30 seconds. The bandwidth is 5000/30 = 166 bytes per second.

At 30 seconds, the bandwidth is calculated for the 300th time. The total traffic is 5000 bytes, which is divided by 30 seconds. The bandwidth is 5000/30 = 166 bytes per second.

At 32 seconds, the bandwidth is computed again for the 320th time. The traffic is now 0 (since the one connection that generated traffic is too old to be counted), divided by 30, gives a bandwidth of 0 bytes/second.

Setting Up Quality of Service

To configure the quality of service settings for a server instance or a class of virtual servers, you need to configure the settings in through the user interface. To actually enforce your quality of service settings, you must also set up Server Application Functions (SAFs) in your obj.conf file.

To configure quality of service, perform the following steps

ProcedureTo configure quality of service

  1. From the Server Manager, click the Monitor tab.

  2. Click Quality of Service.

    A page appears listing general settings for quality of service, followed by a list containing the server instance and each class of virtual servers.

  3. To enable quality of service the server instance, click Enable.

    By default quality of service is enabled. Enabling quality of service increases server overhead slightly.

  4. Choose the Recompute Interval.

    The recompute interval is the number of milliseconds between each computation of the bandwidth for all servers, classes, and virtual servers. The default is 100 milliseconds.

  5. Choose the Metric Interval.

    The metric interval is the interval in seconds during which the traffic is measured. The default value is 30 seconds. All bandwidth measured during this time is averaged to give the bytes per second.

    If your site has a lot of large file transfers, use a large value (several minutes or more) or this field. A large file transfer might take up all the allowed bandwidth for a short metric interval, and result in connections being denied if you’ve enforced the maximum bandwidth setting. Since the bandwidth is averaged by the metric interval, a longer interval smooths out spikes caused by large files.

    If the bandwidth limit is much lower than available bandwidth (for example, 1 MB-per-second bandwidth limit but with a 1 GB-per-second connection to the backbone), the metric interval must be shortened.

    Please note that if you have large static file transfers and a bandwidth limit that is much lower than available bandwidth, you have to decide which situation to tune for, because the problems require opposite solutions.

  6. Enable quality of service for the server instance and/or the virtual server classes.

    The lower portion of the screen lists the server instance and server classes. Choose Enable as the action next to the items for which you want to enable quality of service.

  7. Set the maximum bandwidth, in bytes per second.

  8. Choose whether or not to enforce the maximum bandwidth setting.

    If you choose to enforce the maximum bandwidth, additional connections are refused, once the server reaches its bandwidth limit.

    If you do not enforce the maximum bandwidth, server logs a message to the error log, when the maximum is exceeded

  9. Choose the maximum number of connections allowed.

    This number is the number of concurrent requests processed.

  10. Choose whether or not to enforce the maximum connections setting.

    If you choose to enforce the maximum connections, additional connections are refused, once the server reaches its limit

  11. If you do not enforce the maximum connections, when the maximum is exceeded the server logs a message to the error log.

  12. Click OK.

Required Changes to obj.conf

To enable quality of service, you must include directives in your obj.conf to invoke two Server Application Functions (SAFs): an AuthTrans qos-handler and an Error qos-error.

The qos-handler AuthTrans directive must be the first AuthTrans configured in the default object in order to work properly. The role of the quality of service handler is to examine the current statistics for the virtual server, virtual server class, and global server, and enforce the limits by returning an error.

Sun Java System Web Server includes a built-in sample quality of service handler SAF, called qos-handler. This SAF logs when limits are reached, and returns 503 "Server busy" to the server so that it can be processed by NSAPI.

Sun Java System Web Server also includes a built-in sample error SAF called qos-error which returns an error page stating which limits caused the 503 error and the value of the statistic that triggered the limit. You may want to alter the sample code to provide different error information.

These samples are available at server_root/plugins/nsapi/examples/qos.c. You can use these samples, or you can write your own SAFs.

For more information on these SAFs and how to use them, see the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP9 NSAPI Programmer’s Guide.

Known Limitations to Quality of Service

When you use the quality of service features, keep in mind the following limitations:

SNMP Basics

SNMP is a protocol used to exchange data about network activity. With SNMP, data travels between a managed device and a Network Management Station (NMS). A managed device is anything that runs SNMP: hosts, routers, your web server, and other servers on your network. The NMS is a machine used to remotely manage that network. Usually, the NMS software provides a graph to display collected data or use that data to make sure the server is operating within a particular tolerance.

The NMS is usually a powerful workstation with one or more network management applications installed. A network management application such as HP OpenView, graphically shows information about managed devices, such as your web servers. For example, it might show the servers in your enterprise that are up or down, or the number and type of error messages received. When you use SNMP with a Sun Java System Web Server, this information is transferred between the NMS and the server through the use of two types of agents, the subagent and the master agent.

The subagent gathers information about the server and passes the information to the server’s master agent. Every Sun Java System server, except for the Administration Server, has a subagent.

Note –

After making any SNMP configuration changes, you must click the Apply button, and restart SNMP subagent.

The master agent communicates with the NMS. The master agent is installed with the Administration Server.

You can have multiple subagents installed on a host computer, but only one master agent. For example, if you had Directory Server, Sun Java System Web Server, and the Messaging Server installed on the same host, the subagents for each of the servers would communicate with the same master agent, as shown below

Figure 11–1 The Network Management Station and SNMP Agents

The Network Management Station and SNMP Agents

The Sun Java System Web Server MIB

Sun Java System Web Server stores variables pertaining to network management. Variables that the master agent can access are called managed objects. These objects are defined in a tree-like structure called the MIB, which provides access to the web server’s network configuration, status, and statistics. Using SNMP, you can view this information from the network management workstation (NMS).

A server’s MIB contains variable definitions pertaining to network management for that particular server. The top level of the MIB tree is shown in The Sun Java System Web Server MIBthe figure below:

Figure 11–2 Top Level of the MIB Tree

Top level of the MIB tree

The top level of the MIB tree shows that the internet object identifier has four subtrees: directory (1), mgmt (2), experimental (3), and private (4). The private (4) subtree contains the enterprises (1) node. Each subtree in the enterprises (1) node is assigned to an individual enterprise, which is an organization that has registered its own specific MIB extensions. An enterprise can then create product-specific subtrees under its subtree. MIBs created by companies are located under the enterprises (1) node. The Sun Java System MIBs are located under the enterprises (1) node.

Each Sun Java System Web Server subagent provides a MIB for use in SNMP communication. The server reports significant events to the NMS by sending messages or traps containing these variables. The NMS can also query the server’s MIB for data, or can remotely change variables in the MIB.

Each Sun Java System server has its own MIB. All Sun Java System MIBs are located at:


The Sun Java System Web Server’s MIB is a file called webserv61.mib. This MIB contains the definitions for various variables pertaining to network management for Sun Java System Web Server.

The Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 MIB has an object identifier of http 60 (iws60 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {http 60 }) and is located in the server_root/plugins/snmp directory.

You can see administrative information about your web server and monitor the server in real time using the Sun Java System Web Server MIB. The Sun Java System Web Server MIB lists and describes the managed objects stored in the webserv61.mib.

Table 11–1 webserv61.mib managed objects and descriptions

Managed object  



Sun Java System Web Server instances. 


Sun Java System Web Server instance. 


Server instance index. 


Server instance identifier 


String, such as SunJava System-WebServer/6.1 BB1-01/24/2001 17:15 (SunOS DOMESTIC)


Description of the server instance. 


Organization responsible for the server instance. 


Contact information for person(s) responsible for server instance. 


The location of the server. 


Status of the server instance. 


The time for which the server has been running. 


Number of times server instance processes have gone down. 


Number of requests processed by the server instance. 


Number of octets received by the server instance. Will show 0 if information is not available. 


Number of octets transmitted by the server instance. Will show 0 if information is not available. 


Number of 200-level (Successful) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 300-level (Redirection) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 400-level (Client Error) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 500-level (Server Error) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of other (neither 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, nor 5xx) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 200 (Request Fulfilled) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 302 (Moved Temporarily) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 304 (Not Modified) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 400 (Bad Request) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 401 (Unauthorized) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 403 (Forbidden) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 404 (Not Found) responses issued by the server instance. 


Number of 503 (Unavailable) responses issued. 


Sun Java System Web Server virtual servers. 


Sun Java System Web Server virtual server. 


Virtual server index. 


Virtual server identifier. 


Number of requests processed by the virtual server. 


Number of octets received by the virtual server. 


Number of octets transmitted by the virtual server. 


Number of 200-level (Successful) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 300-level (Redirection) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 400-level (Client Error) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 500-level (Server Error) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of other (neither 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, nor 5xx) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 200 (Request Fulfilled) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 302 (Moved Temporarily) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 304 (Not Modified) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 400 (Bad Request) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 401 (Unauthorized) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 403 (Forbidden) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 404 (Not Found) responses issued by the virtual server. 


Number of 503 (Unavailable) responses issued. 


Sun Java System Web Server processes. 


Sun Java System Web Server process. 


Process index. 


Operating system process identifier. 


Number of request processing threads. 


Number of request processing threads currently idle. 


Number of connections currently in connection queue. 


Largest number of connections that have been queued simultaneously. 


Maximum number of connections allowed in connection queue. 


Number of connections that have been accepted. 


Number of connections rejected due to connection queue overflow. 


Number of connections currently in keepalive queue. 


Maximum number of connections allowed in keepalive queue. 


Process resident size in kbytes. 


Process size in kbytes. 


Fraction of process memory in system memory. 


Sun Java System Web Server listen sockets. 


Sun Java System Web Server listen socket. 


Listen socket index. 


Listen socket identifier. 


Address where socket listens. 


Port where socket listens. 


Encryption support. 


Sun Java System Web Server thread pools. 


Sun Java System Web Server thread pool. 


Thread pool index. 


Thread pool identifier. 


Number of requests queued. 


Largest number of requests that have been queued simultaneously. 


Maximum number of requests allowed in queue. 


An iwsInstanceStatusChange trap signifies that iwsInstanceStatus has changed.


System load average for one minute. 


System load average for five minutes. 


System load average for fifteen minutes. 


Number of octets transmitted on the network per second. 


Number of octets received on the network per second. 


The CPU index. 


The CPU id. 


The CPU idle time. 


The CPU user time. 


The CPU kernel time. 

Setting Up SNMP

In general, to use SNMP you must have a master agent and at least one subagent installed and running on a your system. You need to install the master agent before you can enable a subagent.

The procedures for setting up SNMP are different depending upon your system. Table 8.1 provides an overview of procedures you will follow for different situations. The actual procedures are described in detail later in the chapter.

Before you begin, you should verify two things:

See your system documentation for information on how to verify this information.

Note –

After changing SNMP settings in the Administration Server, installing a new server, or deleting an existing server, you must perform the following steps:

Table 11–2 Overview of procedures for enabling SNMP master agents and subagents

If your server meets these conditions....  

...follow these procedures. These are discussed in detail in the following sections.  

  • No native agent is currently running

  1. Start the master agent.

  2. Enable the subagent for each server installed on the system.

  • Native agent is currently running

  • No SMUX

  • No need to continue using native agent

  1. Stop the native agent when you install the master agent for your Administration Server.

  2. Start the master agent.

  3. Enable the subagent for each server installed on the system.

  • Native agent is currently running

  • No SMUX

  • Needs to continue using native agent

  1. Install a proxy SNMP agent.

  2. Start the master agent.

  3. Start the proxy SNMP agent.

  4. Restart the native agent using a port number other than the master agent port number.

  5. Enable the subagent for each server installed on the system.

  • Native agent is currently running

  • SMUX supported

  1. Reconfigure the SNMP native agent.

  2. Enable the subagent for each server installed on the system.

Using a Proxy SNMP Agent (UNIX/Linux)

You need to use a proxy SNMP agent when you already have a native agent running, and you want to use continue using it concurrently with an Sun Java System Web Server master agent. Before you start, be sure to stop the native master agent. (See your system documentation for detailed information.)

Note –

To use a proxy agent, you will need to install and start it. You have to restart the native SNMP master agent using a port number other than the one the Sun Java System Web Server master agent is running on.

This section includes the following topics:

Installing the Proxy SNMP Agent

If an SNMP agent is running on your system and you want to continue using the native SNMP daemon, follow the steps in these sections

Procedure To continue using the native SNMP daemon

  1. Install the SNMP master agent. See Installing the SNMP Master Agent.

  2. Install and start the proxy SNMP agent, and restart the native SNMP daemon. See Using a Proxy SNMP Agent (UNIX/Linux).

  3. Start the SNMP master agent. See Enabling and Starting the SNMP Master Agent.

  4. Enable the subagent. See Enabling the Subagent.

    To install the SNMP proxy agent, edit the CONFIG file (you can give this file a different name) located in plugins/snmp/sagt in the server root directory, so that this file includes the port that the SNMP daemon will listen to. It also needs to include the MIB trees and traps that the proxy SNMP agent will forward.

    Here is an example of a CONFIG file:

    AGENT AT PORT 1161 WITH COMMUNITY public    
              FORWARD ALL TRAPS;

Starting the Proxy SNMP Agent

To start the proxy SNMP agent, at the command prompt, enter:

# sagt -c CONFIG&

Restarting the Native SNMP Daemon

After starting the proxy SNMP agent, you need to restart the native SNMP daemon at the port you specified in the CONFIG file. To restart the native SNMP daemon, at the command prompt, enter the following command:

# snmpd -P port_number

where port_number is the port number specified in the CONFIG file. For example, on the Solaris platform, using the port in the previously mentioned example of a CONFIG file, enter the following command:

# snmpd -P 1161

Reconfiguring the SNMP Native Agent

If your SNMP daemon is running on AIX, it supports SMUX. For this reason, you do not need to install a master agent. However, you do need to change the AIX SNMP daemon configuration.

AIX uses several configuration files to screen its communications. One of the file, snmpd.conf, needs to be changed so that the SNMP daemon accepts the incoming messages from the SMUX subagent. For more information, see the online manual page for snmpd.conf. You need to add a line to define each subagent.

For example, you might add this line to the snmpd.conf:

smux ““ IP_address net_mask

IP_address is the IP address of the host the subagent is running on, and net_mask is the network mask of that host.

Note –

Do not use the loopback address, use the real IP address instead.

Installing the SNMP Master Agent

To configure the SNMP master agent you must install the Administration Server instance as the root user. However, even a non-root user can accomplish basic SNMP tasks, such as MIB browsing, on a web server instance by configuring the SNMP sub-agent to work with the master agent.

To install the master SNMP agent using the Server Manager

ProcedureTo install the master SNMP agent

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Check whether an SNMP daemon (snmpd) is running on port 161.

    If no SNMP daemon is running, go to Installing the SNMP Master Agent.

    If an SNMP daemon is running, ensure you know how to restart it and which MIB trees it supports.

  3. If an SNMP daemon is running, kill its process.

  4. In the Server Manager, choose the SNMP Master Agent Trap page from the Global Settings tab. The Manager Entries page appears.

  5. Type the name of the system that is running your network management software.

  6. Type the port number at which your network management system listens for traps. (The well-known port is 162.) For more information on traps, see Configuring Trap Destinations.

  7. Type the community string you want to use in the trap. For more information on community strings, see Configuring the Community String.

  8. Click OK.

  9. In the Server Manager, the SNMP Master Agent Community page from the choose Global Settings tab. The Community Strings page appears.

  10. Type the community string for the master agent.

  11. Choose an operation for the community.

  12. Click OK.

Enabling and Starting the SNMP Master Agent

Master agent operation is defined in an agent configuration file named CONFIG. You can edit the CONFIG file using the Server Manager, or you can edit the file manually. You must install the master SNMP agent before you can enable the SNMP subagent.

If you get a bind error similar to “System Error: Could not bind to port,” when restarting the master agent, use ps -ef | grep snmp to check if magt is running. If it is running, use the command kill -9 pid to end the process. The CGIs for SNMP will then start working again.

This section includes the following topics:

Starting the Master Agent on Another Port

The Administration Interface will not start the SNMP master agent on ports other than 161. However, you can manually start the master agent on another port using the following steps

ProcedureTo manually start the master agent on another port

  1. Edit /server_root/plugins/snmp/magt/CONFIG to specify the desired port.

  2. Run the start script as follows:

    cd /server_root/https-admserv

    ./start -shell /server_root/plugins/snmp/magt/magt



    The master agent will then start on the desired port. However, the user interface will be able to detect that the master agent is running.

Manually Configuring the SNMP Master Agent

To configure the master SNMP agent manually

ProcedureTo configure the master SNMP agent manually

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Check to see if there is an SNMP daemon (snmpd) running on port 161.

    If an SNMP daemon is running, make sure you know how to restart it and which MIB trees it supports. Kill its process.

  3. Edit the CONFIG file located in plugins/snmp/magt in the server root directory.

  4. (Optional) Define sysContact and sysLocation variables in the CONFIG file.

Editing the Master Agent CONFIG File

The CONFIG file defines the community and the manager that master agent will work with. The manager value should be a valid system name or an IP address.

Here is an example of a basic CONFIG file:

COMMUNITY          public
                        ALLOW ALL OPERATIONS
MANAGER            manager_station_name 
                   SEND ALL TRAPS TO PORT 162 
                    WITH COMMUNITY public

Defining sysContact and sysLocation Variables

You can edit the CONFIG file to add initial values for sysContact and sysLocation, which specify the sysContact and sysLocation MIB-II variables. The strings for sysContact and sysLocation in this example are enclosed in quotes. Any string that contains spaces, line breaks, and tabs must be enclosed in quotes. You can also specify the value in hexadecimal notation.

Here is an example of a CONFIG file with sysContract and sysLocation variables defined:

COMMUNITY          public
                        ALLOW ALL OPERATIONS
MANAGER            nms2                   
                   SEND ALL TRAPS TO PORT 162
                   WITH COMMUNITY public

INITIAL            sysLocation “Server room
501 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043USA”

INITIAL            sysContact “John Doe

Configuring the SNMP Subagent

You can configure the SNMP subagent to monitor your server.

To configure the SNMP subagent, perform the following steps

ProcedureTo configure the SNMP subagent

  1. From the Administration Server, select the server instance and click Manage.

  2. Select the Monitor tab.

  3. Select SNMP Subagent Configuration.

  4. (UNIX only) Enter the name and domain of the server in the Master Host field.

  5. Enter the Description of the server, including operating system information.

  6. Enter the Organization responsible for the server.

  7. Enter the absolute path for the server in the Location field.

  8. Enter the name of the person responsible for the server and the person’s contact information in the Contact field.

  9. Select On to Enable the SNMP Statistics Collection.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click Apply.

  12. Select Apply Changes to restart your server for changes to take effect.

Starting the SNMP Master Agent

After you have installed the SNMP master agent, you can start it manually or by using the Administration Server.

Manually Starting the SNMP Master Agent

To start the master agent manually, enter the following at the command prompt:


The INIT file is a nonvolatile file that contains information from the MIB-II system group, including system location and contact information. If INIT does not already exist, starting the master agent for the first time will create it. An invalid manager name in the CONFIG file will cause the master agent start-up to fail.

To start a master agent on a nonstandard port, use one of two methods:

Method one: In the CONFIG file, specify a transport mapping for each interface over which the master agent listens for SNMP requests from managers. Transport mappings allow the master agent to accept connections at the standard port and at a nonstandard port. The master agent can also accept SNMP traffic at a nonstandard port. The maximum number of concurrent SNMP is limited by your target system’s limits on the number of open sockets or file descriptors per process. Here is an example of a transport mapping entry:


After editing the CONFIG file manually, you should start the master agent manually by typing the following at the command prompt:


Method two: Edit the /etc/services file to allow the master agent to accept connections at the standard port as well as a nonstandard port.

Starting the SNMP Master Agent Using the Administration Server

To start the SNMP master agent using the Administration Server, perform the following steps

ProcedureTo start the SNMP master agent

  1. Log in to the Administration Server.

  2. In the Server Manager, choose the SNMP Master Agent Control page from the Global Settings tab. The SNMP Master Agent Control page appears.

  3. Click Start.

    You can also stop and restart the SNMP master agent from the SNMP Master Agent Control page.

Configuring the SNMP Master Agent

Once you have enabled the master agent and enabled a subagent on a host computer, you need to configure the host’s Administration Server by specifying community strings and trap destinations.

Configuring the Community String

A community string is a text string that an SNMP agent uses for authorization. A network management station sends a community string with each message it sends to the agent. The agent can then verify whether the network management station is authorized to get information. Community strings are not concealed when sent in SNMP packets; strings are sent in ASCII text.

You can configure the community string for the SNMP master agent from the Community Strings page in the Server Manager. You also define the SNMP-related operations that a particular community can perform. From the Server Manager, you can view, edit, and remove the communities you have already configured.

Configuring Trap Destinations

An SNMP trap is a message the SNMP agent sends to a network management station. For example, an SNMP agent sends a trap when an interface’s status has changed from up to down. The SNMP agent must know the address of the network management station so it knows where to send traps. You can configure this trap destination for the SNMP master agent from Sun Java System Web Server. You can also view, edit, and remove the trap destinations you have already configured. When you configure trap destinations using Sun Java System Web Server, you are actually editing the CONFIG file.

Enabling the Subagent

After you have installed the master agent that comes with the Administration Server, you must enable the subagent for your server instance before you attempt to start it. For more information on installing the master agent, see Installing the SNMP Master Agent. You can use the Server Manager to enable the subagent.

To stop the SNMP function on UNIX/Linux platforms, you must stop the subagent, followed by the master agent. If you stop the master agent first, you may not be able to stop the subagent. If that happens, restart the master agent, stop the subagent, and stop the master agent.

To enable the SNMP subagent, use the SNMP Subagent Configuration page in the Server Manager, and start the subagent from the SNMP Subagent Control page. For more information, see the corresponding sections in the online help.

Once you have enabled the subagent, you can start, stop or restart it from the SNMP Subagent Control Page or the Services Control Panel for Windows.

Note –

After making any SNMP configuration changes, you must click the Apply button and restart SNMP subagent.

Understanding SNMP Messages

GET and SET are two types of messages defined by SNMP. GET and SET messages are sent by an NMS to a master agent. You can use one of the message types, or both with the Administration Server.

SNMP exchanges network information in the form of Protocol Data Units (PDUs). These units contain information about variables stored on the managed device, such as the web server. These variables, also known as managed objects, have values and titles that are reported to the NMS as necessary. Protocol data units sent by the server to the NMS are known as “traps.” The use of GET, SET, and “trap” messages are illustrated in the following examples.

NMS-initiated Communication. The NMS requests information from the server or changes the value of a variable store in the server’s MIB. For example:

  1. The NMS sends a message to the Administration Server master agent. The message can be a request for data (a GET message), or an instruction to set a variable in the MIB (a SET message).

  2. The master agent forwards the message to the appropriate subagent.

  3. The subagent retrieves the data or changes the variable in the MIB.

  4. The subagent reports data or status to the master agent, and the master agent forwards the message back (a GET message) to the NMS.

  5. The NMS displays the data textually or graphically through its network management application.

Server-initiated Communication. The server subagent sends a message or “trap” to the NMS when a significant event has occurred. For example:

  1. The subagent informs the master agent that the server has stopped.

  2. The master agent sends a message or “trap” reporting the event to the NMS.

  3. The NMS displays the information textually or graphically through its network management application.