Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP9 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo specify CGI attributes for a single virtual server

  1. From the Class Manager, choose the Manager Virtual Servers button.

  2. From the Virtual Server Manager, choose the Settings link.

  3. In the CGI User text field, type the name of the user to execute CGI programs as.

  4. In the CGI Grouptext field, type the name of the group to execute CGI programs as.

  5. In the CGI Directory text field, type the directory to chdir to after chroot but before execution begins.

  6. (UNIX only) In the CGI Nice text field, type an increment that determines the CGI program’s priority relative to the server. Typically, the server is run with a nice value of 0 and the nice increment would be between 0 (the CGI program runs at same priority as server) and 19 (the CGI program runs at much lower priority than server). It is recommended that you do not increase the priority of the CGI program above that of the server by specifying a nice increment of -1.

  7. In the Chroot Directory text field, type the directory to chroot to before execution begins.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Save and apply your changes.