Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP9 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo add a WedDAV collection

  1. Make sure that WebDAV is enabled for the server instance and for the virtual server class. For more information, see Enabling WebDAV for the Server Instance and Enabling WebDAV for a Virtual Server Class.

  2. Access the virtual server you want to manage and click the WebDAV tab.

  3. In the Add DAV Collection page, enter the following information:

    • URI (required): The URI by which the content is accessed.

    • Source URI (optional): The URI by which the source is accessed.

      Note –

      If you plan to publish dynamic content such as CGI or SHTML, you must have a source URI configured.

      For an explanation of the term source URI, see Common WebDAV Terminology.

    • Lock Database (optional) : The directory where the locking database will be maintained. The default value is server-instance/lock-db/vs-id.

    • Minimum Lock Timeout (optional) : The minimum lifetime of a lock in seconds. The default value is 0. For more information, see Minimum Lock Timeout.

    • Limit XML Request Body (optional) :The maximum size of the XML content in the body of the request. Restrict the size to prevent the possibility of Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.

    • Maximum Property Depth (optional) :The depth of the PROPFIND request.

      • 0 applies only to the specified resource.

      • 1 applies to the specified resource and the next level of resources it contains.

      • infinity applies to the specified resource and all the resources it contains.

        By default, the value is set to 0.

      Enabled (optional). Enables WebDAV functionality for the collection.

  4. Click OK.

    Note –
    • When you use the Administration server to add a collection, the server does not automatically create a directory for the collection on the filesystem. It is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that a directory corresponding to the collection is created on the filesystem.

    • On UNIX systems, if you have installed the Web Server as root (superuser), and are running the server as a different user, ensure that the user you are running the server as has read and write permissions on the directories corresponding to the WebDAV collections you create.