Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Administrator's Guide

Using the Administration Server Interface

Using Sun Java System Web Server 6.1, you can deploy, edit, delete, disable, and enable web applications for a specified virtual server.

Deploying Web Applications

You can access the Deploy Web Applications page by selecting Deploy Web Applications under the Web Applications tab of the Virtual Server Manager.

To deploy a web application, perform the following steps.

ProcedureTo deploy a web application

  1. Select Local Machine or Server Machine from the WAR File On drop-down list.

    Select Local Machine when uploading a WAR file to your server. Select Server Machine when the WAR file already resides there.

  2. Enter the path on the local or server machine to the WAR file containing the web application in the field provided.

    On server machines enter the absolute path to the WAR file.

    On local machines you can browse the available paths. Clicking browse bring up the File Upload window, allowing you to select the WAR file to upload to your server.

  3. Enter the URI on the virtual server for the web application in the field provided.

  4. Enter the absolute path to the directory on the server machine into which the contents of the WAR file will be extracted. If the directory does not exist, one will be created.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Select Dynamic Reconfiguration for your web application to be deployed.

Editing Web Applications

You can edit, delete, disable, or enable an already deployed web application. Access the Edit Web Applications page by selecting Edit Web Applications under the Web Applications tab of the Virtual Server Manager.

To edit, delete, disable, or enable an already deployed web application, follow these steps

ProcedureTo edit, delete, disable, or enable an already deployed web application

  1. Select the action you wish to perform from the drop-down list in the Action column next to the web application you are editing. Choose:

    • Edit to change the URI where the web application can be accessed.

    • Delete to delete the web application entry from the web applications file and delete the directory where the application is deployed.

    • Disable to make the web application inaccessible from the URI, but not delete it.

    • Enable to reactivate web applications that were previously disabled.

    Caution – Caution –

    Deleting a web application also deletes the directory the application is deployed in.

  2. (Optional) Enter a new URI in the URI field if you are editing the web application.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Select Dynamic Reconfiguration for your web application to be deployed.