Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Administrator's Guide

Configuring WebDAV at the URI Level

To configure WebDAV functionality at the URI level, you need to edit the attributes of the DAVCOLLECTION object in the server.xml file.

The following table describes the attributes of the DAVCOLLECTION object that you can configure:

Table 19–2 Attributes of the DAVCOLLECTION object




Specifies if DAV functionality is enabled for this collection. 

This is an optional attribute. 

Possible values are true and false. The default value is true.


Specifies the URI by which the content is accessed. 

This is a required attribute. 


Specifies the URI by which the source is accessed. For more information, see Common WebDAV Terminology and Using Source URI and Translate:f Header on a WebDAV-Enabled Server.

This is an optional attribute. 

If the sourceuri is not specified, the default behavior is to deny access to the source of any dynamic content in the collection.

You can specify the same URI for both uri and sourceuri, in which case the server will always returns the source of dynamic content. This may be useful if you use a separate, secured virtual server for publishing.


Specifies the directory where the locking database will be maintained. 

This is an optional attribute. 


Specifies the minimum lifetime of a lock in seconds. This value indicates the amount of time that an element will be locked before the lock is automatically removed. For more information, see Minimum Lock Timeout.

This is an optional attribute. 


Specifies the maximum size of the XML content in the body of the request. 

This is an optional attribute. 

Restrict the size to prevent the possibility of Denial of Service (DOS) attacks. 


Specifies the depth of the PROPFIND request, which lists the member resources of a collection. 

This is an optional parameter. 

Prevent excessive memory consumption by restricting the size of this parameter.