Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Administrator's Guide
  application environment entries ( Index Term Link )
  factory,resource factory ( Index Term Link )
  initial naming context ( Index Term Link )
  Java mail sessions ( Index Term Link )
  JNDI naming services ( Index Term Link )
  managing resources ( Index Term Link )
  naming services and resources ( Index Term Link )
  resources ( Index Term Link )
 J2SE/Servlet-based Access Control
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  When to use ( Index Term Link )
  Enabling and disabling Java ( Index Term Link )
  enabling Java for a particular virtual server ( Index Term Link )
  Java mail sessions ( Index Term Link )
 Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Servlet API ( Index Term Link )
 JavaServer Pages, overview, how to install ( Index Term Link )
  configuring JDBC resources ( Index Term Link )
  connection pool ( Index Term Link )
  connection validation ( Index Term Link )
   autocommit ( Index Term Link )
   connection validation required ( Index Term Link )
   fail all connections ( Index Term Link )
   meta-data ( Index Term Link )
   table ( Index Term Link )
   table name ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   validation method ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creating a custom resource ( Index Term Link )
  creating a JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
  creating a new JDBC connection pool ( Index Term Link )
  creating an external resource ( Index Term Link )
  custom resource ( Index Term Link )
  data source name ( Index Term Link )
  datasource ( Index Term Link )
  guarantee isolation level ( Index Term Link )
  JDBC API ( Index Term Link )
  pool name ( Index Term Link )
  pool settings ( Index Term Link )
   idle timeout ( Index Term Link )
   max pool size ( Index Term Link )
   max wait time ( Index Term Link )
   pool resize quantity ( Index Term Link )
  steady pool size ( Index Term Link )
  translation isolation ( Index Term Link )
   dirty read ( Index Term Link )
   read-committed ( Index Term Link )
   read-uncommitted ( Index Term Link )
   repeatable-read ( Index Term Link )
   serializable ( Index Term Link )
 JDBC connection pool ( Index Term Link )
  about JNDI ( Index Term Link )
  connection factories ( Index Term Link )
  JNDI lookups and associated references ( Index Term Link )
  JNDI naming context ( Index Term Link )
  naming reference ( Index Term Link )
  naming references and binding information ( Index Term Link )
  naming services ( Index Term Link )
  resource reference name ( Index Term Link )
 JSP tag specifications ( Index Term Link )
  API reference ( Index Term Link )
  cache directory ( Index Term Link )
  deleting version files ( Index Term Link )
  overview, how to install ( Index Term Link )
  Web Server requirements for running ( Index Term Link )
  configuring Java Virtual Machine settings ( Index Term Link )
  configuring JVM options ( Index Term Link )
  configuring JVM path settings ( Index Term Link )
  configuring the JVM profiler ( Index Term Link )
  debug options ( Index Term Link )
  native library path ( Index Term Link )