Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Administrator's Guide

Administration Server

The Administration Server is a web-based server that contains the Java forms you use to configure all of your Sun Java System Web Servers.

After installing Sun Java System Web Server, you can use your browser to navigate to the Administration Server page and use its forms to configure your Sun Java System Web Servers. When you submit the forms, the Administration Server modifies the configuration for the server you are administering.

The URL you use to navigate to the Administration Server page depends on the computer host name and the port number you choose for the Administration Server when you install Sun Java System Web Server. For example, if you have installed the Administration Server on port 1234, the URL would look like this:

Before you can get to any forms, the Administration Server prompts you to authenticate yourself. This means you need to type a user name and password. You must set up the “superuser” user name and password when you install Sun Java System Web Server on your computer. The following figure shows a typical authentication screen:

After installation, you can use distributed administration to give multiple people access to different forms in the Administration Server. For more information about distributed administration, see Allowing Multiple Administrators.

The settings for the Administration Server appear in the right pane, organized by a set of tabs.

The first page you see when you access the Administration Server, is called Servers. You use the buttons on this page to manage, add, remove, and migrate your Sun Java System Web Servers. The Administration Server provides the following tabs for your administration-level tasks:

Note –

You must enable cookies in your browser to run the CGI programs necessary for configuring your server.

For more information on using the Administration Server, including information regarding these administration-level tasks, see Chapter 3, Administering Sun Java System Web Servers.