Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Administrator's Guide

Default Error Logging

On both the UNIX and Windows platforms, logs from the administration server are collected in the administration server https-admserve/logs/ directory. Logs from server instances are collected in the https-server_name/logs/ directory.

You can set the default log level for the entire server. Redirect the stdout and the stderr to the server’s event log and direct the log output to the operating system’s system log. Additionally, you can direct the stdout and the stderr content to the server’s event log. Log messages by default are sent to stderr in addition to the specified server log file.

Another feature available is to log the virtual server ID with the log message. This is a useful feature when multiple virtual servers are used to log messages to the same log file. You can choose to write the log messages to system log. When you do so, logging is not performed on the error log file. Instead the syslog logging service on UNIX, or the system logging service on Windows platform is used to produce and manage logs.

You can also use the server.xml attributes to control the contents of this file. For details on the server.xml file, see the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.