Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 FastCGI Plug-in Release Notes

Installing the FastCGI plug-in

The FastCGI plug-in is available for use with the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 or later Service Packs.

This section includes the following topics:

Package Contents

The contents of the platform specific packages are:

Solaris, Linux, AIX:



The FastCGI plug-in is packaged as a tarball, a zip file, an SVR4 package, or an RPM as package.

Installing on Solaris, Linux, HP-UX and AIX Using tar Packaging

$ gzip -d sun-webserver61-fastcgi-{sol|lin|hpux|aix}.tar.gz

;; Uncompress the tar archive,
;; where {sol|lin|hpux|aix} reflects
;; the operating system
;; environment the library will
;; be used

$ tar xvf sun-webserver61-fastcgi-{sol|lin|hpux|aix}.tar

;; Extract the tar archive

Installing on Windows

$ unzip

;; Uncompress the ZIP archive

Installing on Solaris Using SVr4 Packaging

$ su

;; root access is required to install
;; SVr4 packages

$ cd <path/to/package>

;; Change directory to where the package
;; is located

# pkgadd -d .

;; Install SUNWwbsvr-fastcgi.pkg package

Note –

This installation places the shared object and README in /opt/SUNWwbsvr/plug-ins/fastcgi.

Installing on Linux using RPM Packaging

$ su                                   

;; root access is required to
;; install RPM packages

$ cd <path/to/package>

;; Change directory to where
;; the package is located

# rpm -iUvh sun-webserver-fastcgi.rpm

;; Install
;; sun-webserver-fastcgi.rpm
;; package

Note –

This installation places the shared object and README in /opt/sun/webserver/plug-ins/fastcgi.

Please refer to "Configuring the FastCGI plug-in."