Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 NSAPI Programmer's Guide

Server Instructions in obj.conf

The obj.conf file contains directives that instruct the server how to handle requests received from clients such as browsers. These directives appear inside OBJECT tags.

Each directive calls a function, indicating when to call it and specifying arguments for it.

The syntax of each directive is:

Directive fn=func-name name1="value1"...nameN="valueN"

For example:

NameTrans fn="document-root" root="D:/Sun/WebServer61/server1/docs"

Directive indicates when this instruction is executed during the request-handling process. The value is one of AuthTrans, NameTrans, PathCheck, ObjectType, Service, AddLog, and Error.

The value of the fn argument is the name of the SAF to execute. All directives must supply a value for the fn parameter; if there’s no function, the instruction won’t do anything.

The remaining parameters are the arguments needed by the function, and they vary from function to function.

Sun Java System Web Server is shipped with a set of built-in SAFs that you can use to create and modify directives in obj.conf. For more information about these predefined SAFs, see the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference. You can also define new SAFs, as discussed in Chapter 3, Creating Custom SAFs

The magnus.conf file contains Init directive SAFs that initialize the server. For more information, see Chapter 2, SAFs in the magnus.conf File

Summary of the Directives

Following are the categories of server directives and a description of what each does. Each category corresponds to a stage in the request-handling process. The section Flow of Control in obj.conf explains exactly how the server decides which directive or directives to execute in each stage.

Note –

For detailed information about the standard directives and predefined SAFs that are used in the obj.conf file, see Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.