Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 NSAPI Programmer's Guide


The system_fwrite_atomic function writes a specified number of bytes from a specified buffer into a specified file. The function also locks the file prior to performing the write, and then unlocks it when done, thereby avoiding interference between simultaneous write actions. Before system_fwrite_atomic can be used, you must open the file using any of the system_fopen functions, except system_fopenRO.


int system_fwrite_atomic(SYS_FILE fd, char *buf, int sz);


The constant IO_OKAY if the write/lock succeeded, or the constant IO_ERROR if the write/lock failed.


SYS_FILE fd is the platform-independent file descriptor.

char *buf is the buffer containing the bytes to be written.

int sz is the number of bytes to write to the file.


SYS_FILE logfd;char *logmsg = "An error occurred.";
system_fwrite_atomic(logfd, logmsg, strlen(logmsg));

See Also

system_errmsg, system_fopenRO, system_fopenRW, system_fopenWA, system_lseek, system_fread, system_fwrite, system_flock, system_ulock, system_fclose