Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 NSAPI Programmer's Guide



The vs_alloc_slot function allocates a new slot for storing a pointer to data specific to a certain VirtualServer*. The returned slot number may be used in subsequent vs_set_data and vs_get_data calls. The returned slot number is valid for any VirtualServer*.

The value of the pointer (which may be returned by a call to vs_set_data) defaults to NULL for every VirtualServer*.


int vs_alloc_slot(void);


A slot number on success, or -1 on failure.

See Also

vs_get_data, vs_set_data


The vs_get_data function finds the value of a pointer to data for a given VirtualServer* and slot. The slot must be a slot number returned from vs_alloc_slot or vs_set_data.


void* vs_get_data(const VirtualServer* vs, int slot);


The value of the pointer previously stored via vs_set_data, or NULL on failure.


const VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server to query the pointer for.

int slot is the slot number to retrieve the pointer from.

See Also

vs_set_data, vs_alloc_slot


The vs_get_default_httpd_object function obtains a pointer to the default (or root) httpd_object from the virtual server's httpd_objset (in the configuration defined by the obj.conf file of the virtual server class). The default object is typically named default. Plug-ins may only modify the httpd_object at VSInitFunc time (see vs_register_cb for an explanation of VSInitFunc time).

Do not FREE the returned object.


httpd_object* vs_get_default_httpd_object(VirtualServer* vs);


A pointer the default httpd_object, or NULL on failure. Do not FREE this object.


VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server for which to find the default object.

See Also

vs_get_httpd_objset, vs_register_cb


The vs_get_doc_root function finds the document root for a virtual server. The returned string is the full operating system path to the document root.

The caller should FREE the returned string when done with it.


char* vs_get_doc_root(const VirtualServer* vs);


A pointer to a string representing the full operating system path to the document root. It is the caller's responsibility to FREE this string.


const VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server for which to find the document root.


The vs_get_httpd_objset function obtains a pointer to the httpd_objset (the configuration defined by the obj.conf file of the virtual server class) for a given virtual server. Plugins may only modify the httpd_objset at VSInitFunc time (see vs_register_cb for an explanation of VSInitFunc time).

Do not FREE the returned objset.


httpd_objset* vs_get_httpd_objset(VirtualServer* vs);


A pointer to the httpd_objset, or NULL on failure. Do not FREE this objset.


VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server for which to find the objset.

See Also

vs_get_default_httpd_object, vs_register_cb


The vs_get_id function finds the ID of a VirtualServer*.

The ID of a virtual server is a unique NULL-terminated string that remains constant across configurations. Note that while IDs remain constant across configurations, the value of VirtualServer* pointers do not.

Do not FREE the virtual server ID string. If called during request processing, the string will remain valid for the duration of the current request. If called during VSInitFunc processing, the string will remain valid until after the corresponding VSDestroyFunc function has returned (see vs_register_cb).

To retrieve a VirtualServer* that is valid only for the current request, use request_get_vs.


const char* vs_get_id(const VirtualServer* vs);


A pointer to a string representing the virtual server ID. Do not FREE this string.


const VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server of interest.

See Also

vs_register_cb, request_get_vs


The vs_get_mime_type function determines the MIME type that would be returned in the content-type: header for the given URI.

The caller should FREE the returned string when done with it.


char* vs_get_mime_type(const VirtualServer* vs, const char* uri);


A pointer to a string representing the MIME type. It is the caller's responsibility to FREE this string.


const VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server of interest.

const char* uri is the URI whose MIME type is of interest.


The vs_lookup_config_var function finds the value of a configuration variable for a given virtual server.

Do not FREE the returned string.


const char* vs_lookup_config_var(const VirtualServer* vs, const char* name);


A pointer to a string representing the value of variable name on success, or NULL if variable name was not found. Do not FREE this string.


const VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server of interest.

const char* name is the name of the configuration variable.


The vs_register_cb function allows a plug-in to register functions that will receive notifications of virtual server initialization and destruction events. The vs_register_cb function would typically be called from an Init SAF in magnus.conf.

When a new configuration is loaded, all registered VSInitFunc (virtual server initialization) callbacks are called for each of the virtual servers before any requests are served from the new configuration. VSInitFunc callbacks are called in the same order they were registered; that is, the first callback registered is the first called.

When the last request has been served from an old configuration, all registered VSDestroyFunc (virtual server destruction) callbacks are called for each of the virtual servers before any virtual servers are destroyed. VSDestroyFunc callbacks are called in reverse order; that is, the first callback registered is the last called.

Either initfn or destroyfn may be NULL if the caller is not interested in callbacks for initialization or destruction, respectively.


int vs_register_cb(VSInitFunc* initfn, VSDestroyFunc* destroyfn);


The constant REQ_PROCEED if the operation succeeded.

The constant REQ_ABORTED if the operation failed.


VSInitFunc* initfn is a pointer to the function to call at virtual server initialization time, or NULL if the caller is not interested in virtual server initialization events.

VSDestroyFunc* destroyfn is a pointer to the function to call at virtual server destruction time, or NULL if the caller is not interested in virtual server destruction events.


The vs_set_data function sets the value of a pointer to data for a given virtual server and slot. The *slot must be -1 or a slot number returned from vs_alloc_slot. If *slot is -1, vs_set_data calls vs_alloc_slot implicitly and returns the new slot number in *slot.

Note that the stored pointer is maintained on a per-VirtualServer* basis, not a per-ID basis. Distinct VirtualServer*s from different configurations may exist simultaneously with the same virtual server IDs. However, since these are distinct VirtualServer*s, they each have their own VirtualServer*-specific data. As a result, vs_set_data should generally not be called outside of VSInitFunc processing (see vs_register_cb for an explanation of VSInitFunc processing).


void* vs_set_data(const VirtualServer* vs, int* slot, void* data);


Data on success, or NULL on failure.


const VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server to set the pointer for.

int* slot is the slot number to store the pointer at.

void* data is the pointer to store.

See Also

vs_get_data, vs_alloc_slot, vs_register_cb


The vs_translate_uri function translates a URI as though it were part of a request for a specific virtual server. The returned string is the full operating system path.

The caller should FREE the returned string when done with it.


char* vs_translate_uri(const VirtualServer* vs, const char* uri);


A pointer to a string representing the full operating system path for the given URI. It is the caller's responsibility to FREE this string.


const VirtualServer* vs represents the virtual server for which to translate the URI.

const char* uri is the URI to translate to an operating system path.