Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 NSAPI Programmer's Guide


When a program calls the stat( ) function for a given file, the system returns a structure that provides information about the file. The specific details of the structure should be obtained from your platform’s implementation, but the basic outline of the structure is as follows:

struct stat {
    dev_t      st_dev;     /* device of inode */
    inot_t     st_ino;     /* inode number */
    short      st_mode;    /* mode bits */
    short      st_nlink;   /* number of links to file /*
    short      st_uid;     /* owner’s user id */
    short      st_gid;     /* owner’s group id */
    dev_t      st_rdev;    /* for special files */
    off_t      st_size;    /* file size in characters */
    time_t     st_atime;   /* time last accessed */
    time_t     st_mtime;   /* time last modified */
    time_t     st_ctime;   /* time inode last changed*/

The elements that are most significant for server plug-in API activities are st_size, st_atime, st_mtime, and st_ctime.