Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 NSAPI Programmer's Guide

Buffered Streams

Buffered streams improve the efficiency of network I/O (for example, the exchange of HTTP requests and responses), especially for dynamic content generation. Buffered streams are implemented as transparent NSPR I/O layers, which means even existing NSAPI modules can use them without any change.

The buffered streams layer adds the following features to the Sun Java System Web Server:

Note –

The UseOutputStreamSize parameter can be set to zero (0) in the obj.conf file to disable output stream buffering. For the magnus.conf file, setting UseOutputStreamSize to zero has no effect.

To override the default behavior when invoking an SAF that uses one of the functions net_read or netbuf_grab, you can specify the value of the parameter in obj.conf, for example:

Service fn="my-service-saf" type=perf UseOutputStreamSize=8192