Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

Connection Queue Information

Connection queue information shows the number of sessions in the queue, and the average delay before the connection is accepted.

Following is an example of how these statistics are displayed in perfdump:

Current/Peak/Limit Queue Length     0/0/4096
Total Connections Queued            0
Average Queueing Delay              0.00 milliseconds

Current /Peak /Limit

Current/Peak/Limit queue length shows, in order:


If the peak queue length is close to the limit, you may wish to increase the maximum connection queue size to avoid dropping connections under heavy load.

You can increase the connection queue size by:

Total Connections Queued

Total Connections Queued is the total number of times a connection has been queued. This includes newly accepted connections and connections from the keep-alive system.

This setting is not tunable.

Average Queuing Delay

Average Queueing Delay is the average amount of time a connection spends in the connection queue. This represents the delay between when a request connection is accepted by the server and when a request processing thread (also known as a session) begins servicing the request.

This setting is not tunable.