Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP10 Programmer's Guide to Web Applications



Handles form action. It retrieves all elements on the search form. It validates that there is at least one collection selected and the query is not empty. After validation, it passes the values on to search and results tags as parent or through the page context.


formId. Specifies the name of the form. If not specified, the default form "searchForm" will be used.

elemColl. (optional) The name of the Collection element. The default name "c" is used.

elemQuery. (optional) The name of the Start element. The default name "qt" is used.

elemStart. (optional) The name of the Start element. The default name "si" is used.

elemNumShown. (optional) The name of the numShown element. The default name "ns" is used.


<s1ws:formAction >